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As I began to slowly peel away each layer of clothing, a wave of disgust washed over me as I confronted the sight of what lay beneath.

As I stood before the mirror, green and purple hues were on my skin, each bruise telling a silent story of impact and pain.

Tracing my gaze downwards, I couldn't help but fixate on the largest bruises around my waist, their vivid colors awere bright against the beige canvas of my flesh.

As I looked at my body, not just bruises but a bunch of cuts were littered across my skin like scattered confetti. Each cut was different then the others, some shallow and others deeper. The sight of dried blood, once crimson and now darkened to a rusty hue caused me discomfort.

As I reached up to touch my hair, the once luscious strands felt matted and tangled beneath my fingertips.

What was once fluffy, dirty blonde locks now resembled a tangled web. The dirt and grime had caused my hair to look a different colour, while the roots appeared slick with grease.

I could also tell the lack of food was taking a toll on my body, I remember being 5'7 and about 120 pounds before. But it had seemed like my body is getting thinner in my stomach and waist.

I decided to take a step away from the mirror and hop into the shower.

After I took my shower I tried to erase the haunting images of blood streaming down into the drain.

As I stood before the mirror again, the transformation of my hair felt like a small victory amidst the chaos of my surroundings. With each stroke of the hairbrush, the once-tangled strands began to release their knots and tangles.

Instead of the greasy buildup and dirt-caked locks; instead, my hair gleamed with cleanliness, each strand shimmering under the soft glow of the bathroom light as I ran my fingers through the silky strands.

As I looked at my body once more,  the bruises remained. The cleansing waters had washed away the physical traces of blood and dirt, and were now but distant memories. Replaced by the fresh sensation of cleanliness.

Despite the lingering ache of bruises beneath my skin, it felt nice to be clean.

Fortunately, Serenity had left out a clean white uniform outside the door for me. The smell of it being freshly washed still lingered on the clothes.

As I finished getting dressed, Serenity wasted no time in putting me to work. I found myself grateful that she didn't assign me to tasks like gardening, which would have required work that would be hard on my beaten up body.

I found myself among a group of three other kids, each of us tasked with the responsibility of cleaning the house.

One of them which being the girl, at this point it felt like she was the only person I actually trusted.

As we scrubbed and polished the countertops, the rhythmic clink of dishes and the gentle swish of sponges filled the air. With each stroke of the cloth, I stole a glance at the girl beside me.

I wonder what her name is, I'd think after she'd helped me earlier and when I first got here Id know it.

Summoning up the courage, I cleared my throat and spoke, the words tumbling out in a rush of nervous energy. "I never got your name," I confessed.

"My name is Fara," she replied and smiled, her voice carried a warm tone like before. Her smile was infectious, a beacon of light in the darkness that seemed to wash away my fears and insecurities with its radiant glow.

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me like a tidal wave. In Fara, I had found someone who I could trust in this shitty house.

"That's a pretty name," my words infused with genuine admiration.

"Thank you..You know JJ, your not like the others" she paused on wiping the counter and turned her gaze towards me. There was a glimmer in her eyes I've never seen before.

Her compliment took me by surprise, catching me off guard "Thank you," I replied, my voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and humility. The weight of her words lingered in the air, filling the space between us.

"There's something about you that makes me have hope."

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