Then they learn.

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Serenity and Lenord up top ⤴️


Desperate to reconnect with Lizzy, I start speaking, "Is there a phone available here by any chance?" as an urgency laces my words.

"Unfortunately we don't have one," she responds with a hint of disappointment. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as she continues, "Although, there have been instances when Lenord allowed someone to borrow his phone!"

"Who's lenord?" I ask, wondering who the unfamiliar name is.

"Oh, you haven't had the chance to meet him yet," she remarks, pausing for a moment. "He's Serenity's brother, and he's the one in charge of running this place." I respond with a nod, absorbing the additional information.

"Where will I find him? I really need to get to a phone" I say desperately.

A warm smile graces her face as she responds, "You'll find him at dinner; fortunately, it's just in time!" However, the pleasant moment is interrupted by a sudden, loud screeching noise. I instinctively cover my ears, anxiously waiting for the unsettling sound to subside.

I raise my voice, "What's that noise!?" attempting to be heard over the disruptive sound. She calmly explains, "That's just the speaker; it signals when meals are ready." With a gesture, she points to a speaker box positioned near the door

Once the noise was over, The boy instructs me to put on the uniform and meet everyone down stairs.

Swiftly shedding my own clothes, I put on the provided white uniform, though, in all honesty, the fabric proves to be uncomfortably itchy. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

When I get down stairs it's a very similar scene to what happened during supper at Liliths. Although at Lilith it was a very comforting scene. This wasn't. Everyone sat at the table, not talking and just waiting for what I assumed was supper.

Abruptly, a voice breaks the silence, catching me off guard. "Hello there," it declares, and a man, bearing a strong resemblance to Serenity, introduces himself as Lenord. With a gentle yet firm touch, he places his hand on my back, guiding me into a chair, a gesture that leaves me feeling surprised.

Seated at the foot of the table, Lenord calmly announces, "Supper will be served shortly." His authoritative presence lingers in the air, setting the tone for the impending meal.

Having laid eyes on Lenord, a quiet unease settles within me, making engaging in conversation with him daunting. Surely, they must allow me access a phone? Right..?

Suddenly Food is being distributed to each of our plates by what seems to be "chefs".

When food gets placed on my place, my mouth opens. A single sardine, a half piece of white bread and one piece of broccoli is placed on my plate.

What the hell.. I start to look around to see if anyone had the same reaction as mine. But as I look at the crowd more I come to my senses on how skinny these kids are. They are not morbidly thin, but thin.

I then whip my head around to see what had been out on Lenard's plate.

This man had a giant sand which, filled with different kinds of meats and vegetables, with a glass of some kind of soda.

"Before we dive into our delicious meals made by our wonderful chefs, we may thank lord Katunia," he says and the kids for fully grab my hands, similar to prayer at Liliths.

Who the fuck was Katunia?

The eerie feelings about this place kept on getting bigger, and bigger.

I swear to whatever is out there, I'm actually going to go insane. Litterly.

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