I need to call Lizzy.

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Btw don't get this mixed up, this isn't robins home for boys, this is a complete different one. He will move later in the story to it.

I started to re-think my life choices once I took in the scene I front of me, thinking of maybe running away into the other direction would be a better idea.

5 kids were planting things in the front yard, two of the them were supporting an old man with a cane.

"Hello, uchm ach" an old man, probably 80 started coughing mid-scentance. "Jay," he was able to continue his scentance after some more disrupting coughs.

"My names is Ernie, follow me" he turned around slowly with the help of the boy and the girl.

I swear I took 5 minutes to get to the door. "Get me to a seat," he commanded angrily, the two children brang him into an old rocking chair.

"Oh hello," a woman spoke, making me flinch at the sudden voice "sorry for my father," she smiled. If I had to be completely honest, she scared the living shit out of me.

Scratch that, everything here is scaring the living shit outta me. It's terrifying to say that Ernie was the only person who seemed like a normal person.

I had observed the place when Ernie had sat down, and this place was creepy. All the kids had white uniforms, and was doing random crap.

"Would you like to be shown to your room," she still had that sadistic smile, and gestured her hand to the stairs.

"Uh-sure" I flinched when she snapped her fingers still keeping eye contact. "Yes- Serenity" a boy and girl said in sync after they had quickly made there way to her.

"May you lead Mr. Peirce to his new room" — "yes mam." they both grabbed my arm and dragged me up the stairs.

I looked back to see what "Serenity" was doing, I could see her pull up Ernie. "Get off me you crazy fuck" I could hear Ernie in the distance before we got to a door and they shoved me in closing the door.

"Sorry for the first impression!" the girl said, "It's just sometimes newbies make it a struggle to get them up the stairs," the boy chips in.

The next part kinda freaks me out, they just stare at me for a while. "So..?" I try to get them to stop staring at me.

"Oh sorry about that!" — "that's where you will be sleeping" he pointed to the beat up mattress on the floor, one in many lined up together.

"We all.. Sleep on the floor?" my eyes widened. But to be honest it wasn't really the sleeping on the floor that bothered me. It's been done before, and I don't mind if. Of course it will be hard getting used to after sleeping in a bed for years but what ever.

The problem was on how close together the mattresses were on the floor, and how small the room was.

"Yup, Serenity is pretty cheap so we just use the mattresses from the church. We're also only allowed one room so we all have to sleep here." — "just make sure to lift up your mattress for a day to let it air out for a while, or else it will mold" the girl told me, I nodded in response, taking in the apperences of the boy and girl.

The girl had the her hair brown in a braid, while the boy had blonde hair and a buzz cut

"Oh yeah, here your uniform" the boy stuck a hand out holding a white long sleeve and white pants. "All the clothes gets washed on Sunday, so make sure not to get them too dirty during the week" the girl informed me.

That's when I remembered that I need to call Lizzy. I need to know if she's in the same creepy situation as I am.

These people are scary, what's going to happen next?

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