Meeting Mr. Robin

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Jamie, once again, found herself in my room, insisting that her presence was crucial for my meeting with Mr. Robin. I couldn't quite grasp the fascination she held for him; she spoke of him as if he were the epitome of greatness.

Jamie settled into the very same seat where the police officer, William, had once occupied during their previous visit.

I observed Jamie's nervous demeanor as we awaited Mr. Robin's arrival.

By the time she sat in the chair, her leg hadn't stopped bouncing up and down. Her poor leg hadn't gotten a rest since it's gotten in here. As Jamie's nerves became worse, I couldn't help but acknowledge my own anxiety bubbling beneath the surface.

Admittedly, I've never been great at making good first impressions; social interactions often left me feeling out of place. The uncertainty of what to say or how to engage with people made me want to run away.

There's actually been a couple times where someone struck a conversation with me and I actually ran away. Fight or flight, right? Personally id rather not use fight.

But on the bright side I can't even speak, so I don't think he can really have a conversation with me.

What a shame.. (sarcasm intended)

to be completely honest I'm not that mad with the ability to not speak. The doctor talked to me earlier and he said it wouldn't be permanent, but id need to meet up with a doctor specialized in the stuff.

So since my voice will come back eventually, I'm gonna enjoy not needing too speak. Because quiet frankly, id rather chose to not speak.

Breaking the silence Jamie decides to speak, "You excited?" I found myself momentarily caught off guard. I just ended up shaking my head 'no', I didn't exactly wanted to lie to Jamie.

"I understand if this feels intimidating, I mean, just look at me!" she laughs, her tone a blend of empathy and light-heartedness. Her words, tinged with self-awareness, carry a comforting reassurance that acknowledges the gravity of the situation with a touch of humor.In that moment, her acknowledgment of the challenge at hand helped my nerves a lot, instantly easing some of the tension in the air.

Responding to her warmth and openness, I can't help but offer a small, appreciative grin that she returns back to me.

"You have my word, he's genuinely kind-hearted. There's no need for concern about him."

As her words sank in, it became clear she was drawing a distinction between Lenord and Mr. Robin. Until that moment, I hadn't even entertained the possibility of comparing the two. However, her remark sparked a sudden surge of concern within me.The realization dawned with unsettling clarity: What if Mr. Robin has the same intentions? The possibility loomed in my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over my perception of him.

The fear of history repeating itself grips me, the memory of past trauma resurfacing with chilling intensity. The mere thought of Mr. Robin  inflicting harm upon me like Lenord did makes me feel uneasy.

Lenord was supposed to be my protector, the one to take care of me. And look what he did? Slash my neck open and leave me to die with the trauma he's rooted in my head like strands of hair.

Suddenly, the comforting embrace of Jamie's words dissolved into thin air, leaving behind an eerie chill that seemed to seep into my very bones. A sense of dread crept over me, sending a shiver down my spine as I grappled with the sudden absence of reassurance.

Despite my understanding that Mr. Robin likely doesn't possess the same malevolence as Lenord, a lingering doubt persisted in the recesses of my mind. The mere possibility of encountering another individual with similar sinister intentions sent a ripple of unease through my thoughts, refusing to be easily dismissed.

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