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beep, beep, beep...

As my consciousness gradually returned, my eyelids fluttered open at a sluggish pace, struggling against the brightness from the light bulb directly overhead.

The glare from the light made me quickly shield my eyes once more. However, with each passing moment, my vision adjusted to the light, allowing my eyes to open fully without any pain.

My surroundings felt similar, and my brain was foggy as if any of my last memories were covered in a thick coat of smoke.

As I glanced around the room, my senses began to sharpen, and the details of my surroundings gradually came into focus. The sterile white walls, the faint scent of antiseptic lingering in the air, and the soft hum of medical equipment all pointed to one conclusion: I found myself in a hospital room. The rhythmic beeping of monitors and the occasional distant chatter of medical staff added to the atmosphere.

As my heart began to race, the sensation gradually intensified, reaching a point where it seemed as though my heart was pounding so forcefully that it might burst from my chest, each beat echoing loudly in the confines of my body.

A familiar uneasiness gnawed at my stomach, its presence made me feel sick since the last time the feeling had occurred my life had changed drastically.

But the most daunting thing right now its me lying in this hospital bed. It is the unsettling realization that I can't recall anything before this moment.

It's not the physical discomfort that gnaws at me, but rather the void in my memory that sends shivers down my spine.

The uncertainty of not knowing what led me here, what experiences I've lived through, or the people I've encountered before this.


After several agonizing minutes spent trying to calm my racing thoughts, I finally made the decision to reach out for help. With a trembling hand, I extended towards the button placed conveniently within my reach and pressed it.

Suddenly after a minute, a noise in the corner of the room had drawn my attention.

As the door swung open, it revealed a woman dressed in what appeared to be nurse attire, her white coat crisp and her demeanor professional. In her hand, she held a clipboard, the pages neatly stacked, suggesting she was prepared for whatever task lay ahead. Her face lit up with a warm smile as our eyes met, indicating a sense of familiarity or perhaps reassurance in her presence.

"Hello, JJ!" Her voice rang out with a mix of warmth and professionalism as she approached, her footsteps echoing softly against the sterile floors.

With practiced ease, she navigated her way through the maze of medical equipment that enveloped me, each machine emitting a soft hum or beep, contributing to the rhythmic soundtrack of the room. Her slender fingers moved as she inspected the various monitors and devices.

After inspecting the machinery surrounding me, she gracefully settled onto the stool positioned next to me. "Alright, JJ, I'm Kate," she introduced herself, glancing briefly at her clipboard before lifting her gaze to meet mine, her expression warm and attentive.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, JJ," she began, her voice gentle yet firm, "just nod your head for your answers, okay? None of these require you to speak." As I nodded in response, a slight furrow creased my brow, my curiosity piqued by her instruction to remain silent during the questioning process.

"Alright, JJ, let's start. Do you feel any pain?" Kate inquired, her gaze fixed intently on me as she awaited my response. With a slight shake of my head, I indicated no discomfort. With each peculiar question, I observed her meticulously jotting down notes on her clipboard with her blue pen.

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