Growing up

396 37 82

"I am sorry, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you. I made a terrible mistake. Please forgive me. Please don't walk away from me. Please." (First)

"Leave me... You never cared about my feelings... Leave me... Let go of me" (Khaotung)

"No, I won't. I would never repeat this mistake. Please don't leave me. My heart was tearing apart at the site of seeing you walk away from me. I can't afford to leave you. Please. I am sorry, Khaotung " (F)

*Crying* *weeping* *yelling*

"You can swear at me all you want. Please don't back out from me. I like you ..... No...
I LOVE YOU. I love you so damn much. I would have died of a heartbreak if those shits I told about you were true. I know you can never be a bad guy. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." (K)

Khao's Pov

He loves me? Did he confess to me? Shouldn't I be laughing in joy? But why am I feeling sad? Why am I feeling that everything is just a lie? And it's all a part of the game I planned. I am deceiving him into loving me. He has fallen in love with this version of me. What will happen the day he learns the truth? How can he accept the person he loves is his greatest enemy? How am I gonna face him that day? Never till now, I had doubted my intention or given a second thought to my actions, then why the hell was I flinching to trick him into a false hope of a relationship? I have always wanted to be his boyfriend. But scenarios have changed. I love him, but I have my duty, and my family, I can't sacrifice them. I need to play with his emotions, and I hate it. But I have no choice. I wish the circumstances were different. I don't even know whether we will ever be on good terms after the truth comes out. How can I expect that? He will hate me to the core.

End of Khao's POV

"Took you long enough to confess. But I don't think you truly understand the meaning of it. If you did, you would not have put those false allegations on me." (K)

"Please Khaotung, I don't even know what I was doing. I swear, I would never doubt you ever again. I swear. I love you. Please don't push me away." (F)

Khao has lost to First's confession. First pulls him into a tight hug, and then gently places his palm on Khao's cheeks squeezing them and kissing him passionately. First takes in Khao's lower lips sucking it in, as Khao tilts his head to one side, their eyes closed as they feel each other's lips. Deep, heavy warm breaths of each other turning them on. As Khaotung grabbed a handful of hairs at the nape of First's neck. First lifts Khaotung up by his butt, Khao wraps his legs around First's waist. First cannot hold it anymore, he pushes Khaotung to the bed and jumps on him, kissing his necks, licking his sweat like it's honey.

"Wait... Wait... Hold on" (K)

"Oh I can't hold on anymore" (F)

"Please wait. Stop" (K)

First suddenly becomes conscious. He can't do it without Khao's consent. He can't force himself on him.

"Oh! I am sorry... I am sorry... It's ok if you aren't ready. I can wait." (F)

"No. It's not that I am not ready, I want you in, as much as you want me. But I think we should not jump into it. Let's just know each other a little more. I LOVE YOU. But I want us to know each other a bit more before we do this. I am sorry." (K)

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