The new beginning from The END

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A month later

At the police station

"First, you tried your best. Don't worry, the department knows that you tried to stop him."

"Hmmm..." (First)

"But what I don't understand is why you had to shoot Mr. Supot?"

"I tried to shoot Khaotung, but that smart ass pulled Mr. Supot as a shield the moment I fired at him." (First)

"Damn!! He died in vain. That motherfucker, Khaotung. He deserves to die."

"Hmm. He does." (First)

"So, how is he? Any progress?" First's senior asked him.

"Khaotung, he is Still in Coma." (First)

"What did the doctors say?? Is he ever gonna wake up? Because the moment..." (First' senior inspector)

"The moment He wakes up, he is gonna be arrested and jailed. I know, Inspector. But the doctors say it's a 20-80 chance." (First)

"20-80??" (Inspector)

"20 of him being back, and 80 of him being..." (First)

"Fuck!! How can he die so easily? Huh?!"

"I agree with you. He has to come back. He has to live. He can't die this easily. He needs to be punished for his sins." (First)

"Hmm. Ok. Good work. Keep me updated."

"Sir." (First)

And then his senior leaves his cabin. Leaving him behind confused and in a dilemma.

"You don't want him dead. Do you?", Nick who was waiting by the door walked inside.

"No!! A criminal like him deserves to die." (First)

"Is it? Are you gonna let him die? Huh?! When in turn you killed Mr. Supot to save Khao?" (Nick)

"I don't know.. what you are talking about.", First was so shocked and scared that he hardly managed to utter a few words. He couldn't think of an answer.

"Do you think you would be unnoticed? Huh, First? I have seen you shoot...", First presses his palm firmly on Nick's mouth, to prevent him from speaking further. He then grabs Nick by his coat and pulls him out of the police station to somewhere quiet.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" (F)

"What? I know what happened there. And I am well aware of what you are planning to do." (N)

"Husshhh!!! Nick!! Keep it low. "

"Don't worry, no one is around. So what did you decide?" (N)

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