Chapter Nineteen

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        Everyone had finally left the house. Even Cody's family had gone home after helping her to clear away most of the dirty dishes from the memorial dinner. There were a few paper plates here and there, but mostly no one would look at the house and know there had just been about thirty people here. 

        Emma leaned against the door and nibbled her lip. This was the first time she'd really been alone since she'd gotten the call telling her that Gramps had passed away. Emma glanced around the entryway, staring around herself and feeling, for the first time ever, very alone.

        This house had always been a refuge for her. No matter what else was going on outside of the door, everything was happy inside. Her eyes stung as she thought about Gramps' memorial. It had been a beautiful service, something she was certain he probably would've begrudgingly allowed. He'd never been one to like acknowledging his accomplishments. He'd always said someone else needed to keep his score because he didn't believe a humble man would need to have a running tally of good deeds.
Well Emma had kept a track, and honestly he was one of the greatest people she'd ever known and there was no way she wasn't going to miss him. But whether she liked it or not, this awful moment was done now. And while she still ached with the loss she knew it was time to try and start living again. 

        Starting with her life in Baton Rouge. Tomorrow she planned to go back to her apartment and clear out what little she had there and bring it here. That moment in the cemetery when Cody and his family had surrounded her she'd made the decision. This would be her home now, at least for a while, during which time she intended to figure out where her life was headed next. And with whom, she smiled to herself as her eyes unerringly found the parlor.

        With a small laugh she locked the door and headed for the kitchen in search of a drink. Emma couldn't help wishing that Cindy had been able to stay a little longer but, sadly it hadn't been possible. Her work had called her back. Which sucked for her considering that right now her bestie would've been so much more helpful, but only because Emma was really nervous to be here alone. Even if for a little while, but honestly it was okay. It would have to be. She'd always understood that at some point she'd need to learn to be on her own here. After all this was her home now.

        Okay. What to do first?

        She thought about it as she retrieved a cold bottle of water from the fridge. Her gaze fell on Gramps' mug, still sitting where he'd left it. Emma took a deep breath and looked away.

        Yeah, still not ready to let it go.

        Busy work. That's what she needed to do, find something to distract herself.

        Well, she wanted to clean the upstairs bathroom. After this morning's ghostly tantrum the room wasn't usable and frankly Emma was dying to get into the huge clawfoot tub and soak away the stress. Then she'd need to change the sheets on her bed. Possibly wash her laundry. These things were busy work at its finest, and that was exactly what she needed. Something to fill the time until she could sleep. And sitting still, streaming a show or reading wasn't going to cut it right now. Her mind was suddenly racing, which made her heart pound. Almost as if she were about to have another panic or anxiety attack. Which was silly! There was really nothing that could hurt her here.

        Her eyes rose to scan the upper floor's ceiling. No shadows that she could see. Maybe Gramps was at peace now?
Shaking away the thought that only made her even more nervous Emma headed up the stairs, finding the broom in the small hall closet. When she entered the bathroom it was obvious that someone had already cleared away the mess from earlier. Emma smiled and shook her head. The care and love that Cody's family displayed so easily made her wish that she really could belong with them as a part of their family.

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