Chapter Thirty-Three

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Cody eyed the semi snarling apparition in front of him. The darkness around the was illuminated by a soft, yellowish white light that appeared within a darkened shadow. Cody realized that this was a lot like how the Grim appeared, with the exception of the blue-purple eyes.

He slowly, gently pushed Emma behind him. He faced the angry spirit. "William. Sir, I realize you don't like this, but I love her. And she loves me," he said, trying to figure out a way to get Emma out of the room in case the spirit went postal again. Besides, this had gone on long enough. He really needed to get this spirit to cross so he and Emma could live in peace. Because damn it, he couldn't keep having his boys turning blue. He was certain it couldn't be good for them, and he wanted lots of kids someday.


Cody frowned. He could see why William would see it that way. "I don't mean any disrespect. I intend to marry her."

"My wife is gone." The fury and pain that filled Cody in that moment with those words were like a lightning bolt. He understood what he needed to do. He honestly wanted to kick his own ass. After losing Emma for those hours he could totally understand that sort of fury and pain. Why hadn't he thought of this before?

Cody straightened his spine and faced the irate entity. "I will bring Ms. Beth to you William."

"Can't. She is gone!"

"What's he saying?" She whispered from his side. The fear in her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. He hated the sound of her panic. He found her hand and held it against his back.

"He believes Ms Beth left him behind. She's here too, I don't know why they can't find each other," he whispered back, before facing him again. "She isn't gone William. I will bring her to you and then you can cross over together."

The shadow form writhed for a moment, the glow seeming to grow brighter. "Bring her back?"

Cody shook his head. "No, Sir, she never left. She's waiting on you, you just need to realize your work is done and let go."

The shadow moaned and shot upwards into the ceiling with a loud howl of pain. Cody swore when the lights flickered before they came back on. "Well, that went well."

Emma hugged Cody tight, he rubbed her back, knowing the darkness bothered her greatly. This needed to be fixed as soon as possible. He rested his chin on her head and swore softly as he relaxed into her sweet body. Damn it! Cody kissed the top of her head. "Babe, I need to call Tony real quick."

Emma stepped back and looked up at him, her eyes luminous. "Are you coming back soon?"

He knew what she wanted, and damn it all he wanted it too, but until William was at peace that wasn't going to happen. Cody was actually shocked it had gone as far as it had downstairs in the parlor. "I don't think so, Emmie. Your Gramps isn't too happy with me and I don't want you caught in the crossfire in case he starts throwing stuff."

She pouted prettily but nodded. "You can give me a rain check right?"

Cody grinned. "Oh yeah bebe for the rest of my life," he said with a kiss to her plush lips. "Damn I love your mouth," he muttered, kissing her slowly. Trying to keep his head about him, but it was so hard when her lips were so sweet. He gripped her hips and pulled her closer.

"I was going to ask you to teach me how to use my lips properly too," she teased with a small shrug. "I guess that has to wait as well."

Cody's cock roared to life, he growled and kissed her deeper, feeding at her lips like a starving man. "Okay, Emmie, that's just mean. You gotta mean streak woman." He swatted her gently and turned to find his phone. "I've got to work for a minute. I'm hoping I don't have to sleep on the pull out downstairs any more, do I?"

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