Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Cody carried the invitation into the small library, hoping he'd be able to find the tiny woman he'd been thinking about for the last week since he'd told Emma about her part in saving her life. Sara Bryant, he'd finally got a name from Tony, who was still reluctant to allow anyone near her. Regardless of what Tony wanted, Cody felt he owed her something.

There ahead of him in the children's section he spotted her. She was speaking softly to a young boy about the book she held in her hands. The way she smiled down at the child made him grin. She honestly reminded him of Emma with her gently quiet way she had about her. Unlike last time, her hair was twisted up into a tight bun that consisted of a single braid at the back of her head, the too big glasses here still there. And her dress was the same type of long and loose, with the same gray sweater and canvas shoes.

He waited until the boy walked away before he spoke. "Excuse me Miss Sara?"

She went stiff and guarded until she saw him standing there. Sara smiled and walked closer, but still maintained at least a five foot distance between them. "Cody. It's a surprise to see you here," she said quietly walking toward the large counter that sat in a back corner of the room.

Cody followed. "Yeah. Sorry to drop in unannounced but Emma and I are getting-"

"Married, I know. Congratulations," she smiled at him, her demeanor easier now that that counter protected her from his closeness. "I saw that, a month or so ago."

Cody nodded, not allowing the shock to show. Honestly it never failed to surprise him when his Gran and Ma seemed to know things. This lady was no different. "So I brought you an invitation because Emma and I would love it if you came. It isn't going to be a big fancy affair. Just the ceremony at the house and dinner after that. Very informal." He handed her the envelope by sliding it across the separating surface. "It'd mean a lot if you'd come. Not just to me but to Emma as well."

Sara frowned as she pulled the white square closer with only one fingernail touching it. "Why? I never met her," she asked in shock.

Cody grinned. "You don't know Emma," he said, feeling like a total sap again. Hell, he would beg if it meant Sara would show up and make Emma smile. He'd do anything for her.  "She loves everyone, and she says she wants to meet the person who helped me save her life."

Sara traced the edge of the envelope thoughtfully and then nodded. "I can try to make it." She gave Cody a smile. "I'd love to meet Emma. I don't really know anyone because I just moved here a few months ago, and I don't really have any adult friends."

"All right then," he replied with a grin. "That sounds like a great plan to me. Believe me, you will have two new friends by the time the wedding is over. Emma and Cindy will adopt you." He couldn't help the chuckle over the way the two were when it came to people. "Those women give a new meaning to the words Sociable."

Sara laughed and nodded. "I can't wait, but," she took a deep breath. "I can imagine that Tony will be there as well right?"

Cody frowned. "Yeah. He's my best man. Why?"

"Could you ask him maybe," Sara looked down and took a deep breath, "Could you ask him to stay away from me? Please."

Cody looked at his shoes, debating on whether or not to say something and then decided fuck it! This was his best friend. "I can, if you tell me why? See I know that Tony is a great guy with a good heart. He's a flirt sure, but you'd be hard pressed to find a man who loves and respects women more than he does. And not just as a notch on his bedpost. But because he genuinely finds women to be fascinating creatures." He shrugged helplessly. "So, why?"

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