Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Emma's heart pounded as she gazed into Cody's loving eyes. He'd just bared his soul to her. Knowing that she had inspired him to become a cop humbled her. This was just one more huge surprise in a very long line of things he'd done this evening. Most of all he'd said he loved her. She was still reeling from that.

"I want to make sure you always feel safe, Em," he hugged her tightly. "You should always feel safe. I don't ever want you to know fear again."

She couldn't help but smile. Cody was like the best security blanket a girl could ever have. "Trust me Cody," she said looking up into his dark eyes. "I couldn't feel anything but safe with you watching out for me." Her hand cupped his jaw. "You make me feel I don't have to be afraid of anything."

He kissed her palm. "Good. Now, I'm worried about you being too hungry for the rest of my plans for the evening. So," he said standing and depositing her on the chair they'd just shared. "It's time for dinner."

Emma's stomach chose that moment to agree. He grinned. "I see that someone's stomach agrees with me." He took the ladle and filled the bowl before her first and pulled out the basket filled with fresh cornbread and placed it within reach. "I had Gran make this up for us."

Emma smiled and lifted her spoon as he moved and sat in his spot. She still couldn't believe he'd done this. First the studio at the house, now a gallery. And he said that he still had plans! What else was there? Her face flamed. Oh, she knew what other plans she had, but that didn't mean that he was thinking the same.

But dang she wanted to have the evening end with them wrapped together, their hearts pounding. She wanted to feel him touch her body, kiss her in places she'd never been kissed before. Things she'd only read about, or seen in different movies.
She actually recalled a movie she'd seen recently where the main character had his female lead on a kitchen table. She could hear the soundtrack playing through the entire love scene.

Her hand rested next to her bowl, and clenched. Would Cody do something like that? Lay her across the kitchen table, in the dark and feast on her body? Would he fill his hands with her breasts and tug at the nips they way the hero in the movie had? Her thighs clenched as the throbbing ramped up again. Would he take her like that as well? Clothing just pushed aside so he could get to her quickly? 

She nibbled on her lip and looked to his hands, and imagined them gripping her upper thighs while he worked his hips between them. His dark eyes locked on hers, as he moved over her. Those long fingered hands touching and teasing her body. Bringing them both closer to that moment when—

"I wish I knew what made you blush and squirm like that just now."

His deep voice pulled her from her lurid thoughts with a slight hitch in her breathing. Her gaze found him. Cody watched her closely, his chin resting on his hand.

"Would you?" Emma didn't try to hide the desire he brought to life within her body. She had made up her mind that she was his, in every way. Her lower lip found its way between her teeth as she gazed at him. "Would you really want to know?"

Cody leaned forward slightly. His hands fisting on his knees. "Hell yeah I would Em," he growled. His heated and very hungry gaze focused on her. "You want to share it with me?"

She slowly nodded and swallowed hard, looking down at her hands, gathering her courage. "I do." Her eyes found his, remembering that he demanded she keep her eyes on his when they were intimate before. Cody seemed to like eye contact. "I was remembering a movie and a scene in that movie that was...titillating to me."

"Go on." His grin was slow. "I'd love to hear what's on your mind."

His eyes and voice had gone into that deep tone that sent shivers down her spine. A voice she found impossible not to obey. "The guy had her on the kitchen table; like he picked her up and sat her on it." Her fingers tapped the table top thoughtfully. "And then he laid her back on it." Emma's face burned more with every word. Her bravery waned in light of being forced to vocalize. Her chin started to drop but his finger stopped its descent.

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