tenth chapter

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It's 3rd POV but focus on Treech's view

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It's 3rd POV but focus on Treech's view.

TREECH COULDN'T SAY how long ago he arrived at the zoo; what he knew was that as soon as the adrenaline wore off, the pain appeared, and the vet in front of him didn't know how to deal with human pain.

However, despite the pain and the lack of knowledge of the woman in front of him, Treech was not able to let go of the red ribbon; it was the only thing that kept him sane and the only thing that reminded him of her.

Nesta was the only thing that kept him happy in these circumstances; she was like a ray of sunshine; she was sweet, kind, and she genuinely cared about him, and now she could be dead, and that infuriated him.

He didn't want to look down; he didn't want to look at his shirt; the shirt was covered in blood, with her blood, and if he looked, he would probably collapse; he couldn't save her, even though she had saved him the day before.

"Treech?" A gentle voice interrupted his thoughts. The friendly, middle-aged vet looked at him with a gentle smile and a worried look at the boy's lack of reaction. The alcohol in his wounds must have hurt him, but he didn't show any reaction to the pain. "I've already taken care of the scratches; you can go now." She said softly, and Treech just nodded, unable to speak.

When he was about to go in direction to the open door, the same woman interrupted him again. "Oh, I forgot. As soon as you leave, ask Lamina to come in so I can check on her." She asked, and Treech agreed. Although his friend's name caused him even more pain, the redhead refused to look at him on the train, and he noticed that she was holding back tears of anger and frustration, which made his heart ache.

Lamina was always a sweet girl; he had always seen her running and laughing with her friends in the forest, gardening with her grandmother, and cooking with her mother in the small family business. She was always smiling, but the girl from district 7, seemed like she had been replaced by another version of herself, a sadder, emptier one. It seemed like when her name was called in the reaping, she had already died. Her eyes lost their usual sparkle of happiness and were replaced by tears and remorse. It was devastating to see her like this.

When he opened the door, the first thing he found was his district partner sitting on a small wooden bench in the middle of two peacekeepers; however, her gaze remained on the floor. "Lamina." He called out to her, but the redhead didn't even lift her head, which made him sigh. "The vet called you; it's your turn." The girl just got up, ignoring Treech's guilty look, and headed towards the door without saying a word.

Treech tried to convince himself that what he did was right; if he didn't join the pack, he was going to be the first victim, and he couldn't be their first victim, not when he promised his mother that he would come back to her and that she wouldn't have a dead son.

Treech still had the memory fresh in his mind: the memory of his younger siblings tearfully hugging their parents when his name was called, of the sad and tired eyes of his father and his mother, who, despite being visibly destroyed and angry, just tried to provide as much comfort as possible to her children; she made him promise that he wouldn't die.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 - 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡Where stories live. Discover now