seventeenth chapter

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  NESTA WAS SITTING and looking forward to the second day of the games

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NESTA WAS SITTING and looking forward to the second day of the games. The events of the previous day in the arena were repeating in her head, and she could feel Snow's penetrating gaze on her back. It felt like he was going to pierce her head, and it was starting to make her angry.

It wasn't her fault if he had crossed the line, so what did he want her to do? He was the one who killed a child in front of her, and she definitely didn't want to see that.

His gaze on top of that was making her more nervous, and for a moment Nesta wanted Lucky to interrupt that uncomfortable situation with his irritating voice, but the man seemed too busy trying to fix his wig, which, by the way, looked even more horrible than the previous one.

Nesta shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the uncomfortable situation, and Pup looked at her with an eyebrow raised in question, but the girl just waved him away with her hand, trying to avoid further questions.

"Good morning, folks!" Lucky's annoying voice was heard, and the girl had never felt so relieved to hear him as she did now. "I'm Lucky Flickerman, and welcome to the second day of The Hunger Games!" The man spoke excitedly as he pointed and winked towards the camera, and Ness felt relieved when she no longer felt Snow's penetrating gaze on her head.

The large screen that gave access to the arena was turned on, and the cameras surrounded the entire place, stopping at Bobbin's dead body. Murmurs around the place were heard, and the girl had to hold her breath. "What happened?" She heard some of her colleagues ask questions, while others asked more questions that she had no intention of hearing. "Was there a fight yesterday?" Festus' voice was heard, and from his tone of voice, he seemed happy about what had happened.

Nesta decided to look back to see the confusion that was starting to form. "Show us what happened now!" Juno demanded irritably, and the girl was surprised that she didn't vomit again when she saw yet another dead body.

Lucky laughed. "While we were having our beauty sleep, something sparkling happened to our beloved Bobbin from District 8." He said, and if it weren't for the fact that she saw Treech the night before, Nesta would rather be getting some beauty sleep than seeing Snow crushing the poor guy's head. "Bad news, dear friends, but they are not showing us what happened to our dear friend." The man spoke with false sadness.

Lysistrata stood up and looked at the man in confusion as she shook Juno's hand, who seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "He was clearly killed right there! And there are cameras everywhere; this isn't making any sense." The girl spoke, and Ness shrank further into her seat.

Festus also stood up, but instead of turning to Lucky, he turned to Lysistrata, who was still waiting for answers. "They said the cameras were old, Lyssie; there may have been a programming error." He said it with such certainty that even Nesta was tempted to believe it.

Finally, Coriolanus decided to speak; he wanted to end that conversation once and for all and divert attention elsewhere. "It must have been another one from Coral." He said he was trying to sweat convincingly, which worked as Festus nodded proudly and the buzz became quieter.

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