twelfth chapter

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IT HAD BEEN TWO  days since Treech and Nesta met at the academy, although the girl always found a way to meet him at the zoo

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IT HAD BEEN TWO days since Treech and Nesta met at the academy, although the girl always found a way to meet him at the zoo. The last few times, the only conversations they had were about strategies for the games; however, despite the weight of their conversations, their hands were always clasped, as if they were comforting each other.

The mutual touch was so comfortable that sometimes they only realized they were holding hands when it was time for the girl to leave.

Nesta had told him the night before that today would be the interviews and that he had to make a good impression. Treech was nervous, but the girl assured him that he wouldn't be alone during this time and that everything would be fine, and he believed her. He always believed everything she said.

It was hard not to believe her when she looked at him with those eyes—the eyes he would spend hours looking at.

But even though the girl told Treech that he shouldn't worry, she couldn't follow her own advice; she was terrified. Today were the interviews, but tomorrow were the games, and if Treech lost... if he lost, she would be forced to leave her confused feelings at the bottom of the well, and worse, she would have to force herself to try to forget the boy.

She wasn't prepared for that; she wasn't prepared for another grief.

However, Nesta tried to hide the uncomfortable feeling inside her and thought about Treech, not noticing the smile that appeared on her face and her flushed cheeks, until she looked in the mirror of her vanity , which was extremely messy.

The room was completely chaotic as the girl got ready for the interview; there were clothing all over the bed, makeup and wipes strewn on top of the vanity, a overturned bow drawer, and jewelry all over the floor. But even with the obvious mess in the space, Nesta was incredibly well-kept and pretty.

She had a white skirt and sweater set with maple seams; the gold medallion shone on her neck; the earrings were small but pretty; and as Nesta had lost her favorite bow, she chose to wear her hair down.

"Nesta honey, you have to go; come down!" The girl's mother's voice echoed in the walls of the house, and Nesta quickly went downstairs to grab the food she had made for Treech the day before; a walnut cake, blueberry muffins, and apple juice.

When Nesta was already in the kitchen, the first thing she felt was a soft hand in her hair, and when she turned around, she found her father looking at her with a smile on his face. "You look beautiful, darling, just like your mother." And she couldn't help but smile. The girl's mother was one of the most beautiful women in the Capitol, and Nesta always felt incredibly beautiful when people said she looked like her. The woman possessed a devastating beauty.

"Well thank you, love." Nesta's mother interrupted the conversation as she looked at her husband with a smile on her face and then looked at her daughter. "Your dad is right honey, you look very pretty, you are beautiful." She said and the girl gave a wide smile at her mother's compliment, if she said it it's because it's true.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 - 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡Where stories live. Discover now