eleventh chapter

546 28 157

NESTA HAD RECEIVED many visitors when she was still in the hospital; Persephone and Lysistrata, however, were the ones who stayed by her side the longest, always making sure if their friend was okay or if she needed anything, and Nesta didn't stop...

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NESTA HAD RECEIVED many visitors when she was still in the hospital; Persephone and Lysistrata, however, were the ones who stayed by her side the longest, always making sure if their friend was okay or if she needed anything, and Nesta didn't stop feeling grateful.

However, the girl's mother seemed more restless inside that hospital, and she knew why. Her grandfather was in a locked room and in a vegetative state after the war, and the older woman never had the courage to visit him because, despite loving her father, the scars he had left on her skin were irreversible. He promised his daughter to a disgusting man was irreversible, and he speaking with such cruel words of the man his daughter decided to love only made everything worse. He had even said that Mattheo's death was the fault of his grandchildren's father.

So her mother didn't visit him; she didn't even seem to care much about what was going on with him.

But she still loves him.

Nesta, despite the pain in her abdomen, was discharged from the hospital and taken home, and now she was anxiously waiting for her father and news from Treech in her room.

Treech risked his own safety to save her, when he was supposed to hate her for everything her people were putting him through, and that made the girl feel dirty, he saved her, and it came at the cost of the freedom he could have, but Treech is too good to let her die, and that brought a strange feeling to her, strange but comfortable, as if was warming her.

A knock on the door was heard, and the girl turned her head towards the sound anxiously. "Nesta honey, can I come in?" It was her father's voice, and it brought a smile to her face. He was bringing news, and she hoped it was good. "Yes, dad, come in!" She responded a little agitatedly, and the man smiled at her reaction as he entered the room and then closed the door behind him.

Before the man even sat down on the bed, Nesta wasted no time and started talking. "How is he? Is he hurt?" She asked and tried to lean forward despite the pain she felt. The man frowned worriedly and gently pushed his daughter back. "He's fine, dear; don't worry; I gave him food, and he cheered up a bit." The man lied; he didn't want to say that the boy was sad; he knew that these things had to be Treech telling  her; and he also knew that if he gave a different answer, Ness would get out of bed and run towards the Zoo without even thinking twice.

Nesta despite being suspicious nodded; she would have another meeting with Treech tomorrow and she could talk to him, and above all, thank him. That was making her strangely anxious; that strange feeling in her stomach was returning; that feeling always came back when it came to him.

Deep down she knew what it was, obviously she knew, Nesta always spent her life surrounded by books; she read about emotions and feelings whenever she had the chance, but it was strange when what she read in her romance books happened in real life. It was confusing, and she knew she was gaining feelings for the boy, but she refused to believe it was real; she was afraid that in the space of 1 week she would lose him, and worse, she was afraid that these feelings were reciprocal.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍 - 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡Where stories live. Discover now