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It had been a few days since Rhaenyra and her family returned back to Dragonstone after the events in King's Landing.

Naella was in her chambers reading to her younger brother Joffrey.

The young boy was sitting close to his older sister, who was teaching him High Valyrian.

Naella was quite familiar with the ancient language and she was enjoying the chance to share her knowledge with Joffrey.

Joffrey was listening attentively and making attempts to repeat and understand her words, although struggling a bit he managed to get by.

Rhaenyra's lady in waiting, Elinda Massey, watched the scene intently, enjoying a glimpse of affection between the royal siblings.

Naella spoke clearly, trying to make the words as easy to understand as she could.

"Daor..."-the Princess smiled at her brother as he tried to repeat after her.

"Not quite, you're almost there."-Naella smiled, it still wasn't perfect, but he was improving.


Joffrey tried again and he finally pronounced it properly, he let out an excited gasp and smiled towards his sister.

"See, Joff? Much better."-she patted his hair.

"High Valyrian isn't an easy language to learn, but you're picking it up quickly. You will understand it in no time, I believe in you."-Naella smiled back at him and she was obviously proud of his progress.

Rhaenyra stood in the doorway, looking over the scene between her daughter and her son.

The little Prince was clearly doing well with his studies and Rhaenyra couldn't help, but feel proud of both her children.

Their mother approached them and smiled down at both, but especially Joffrey.

"Good."-she ran her hand through the young boy's hair.

"Your sister is an excellent teacher, is she not, my love?"

Rhaenyra praised her daughter's efforts and skill in teaching her son High Valyrian.

"Leave us."

Her son and lady in waiting followed her instructions, they left the room with no further conversation needed.

Rhaenyra focused her attention on her oldest child. She wanted to have this conversation without interference.

Rhaenyra had decided that this was the perfect time to have a talk with her daughter.

"My beautiful girl."-Rhaenyra sat next to Naella.

"You cannot see it, but you are the sun of this kingdom, the light that shines through the darkness. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds and your smile inspires all who see it."

Rhaenyra's voice was filled with love as she continued, letting out a laugh as she praised her daughter.

"You are the very definition of beauty and grace. I am so proud to be your Mother. The Princess of the People."-Naella was struck by her mother's words.

"I love you, Mother."

"I love you too, my love. There is something I have to talk to you about."

"What is it, Mother?"-Rhaenyra took a breath and steeled herself.

"This is something my Father told me when I was a few years younger than you. And I wish for you to hear it."-Rhaenyra took her daughter's hand tightly.

"Our histories... they tell us that Aegin the Conqueror looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But, it wasn't just ambition that drove him to Conquest."-Naella listened intently as her mother spoke.

The Dragon's Princess Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum