Chapter - 26

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I myself feel bad for taehyung. I am wondering how will i give this story a happy ending?


There was nothing more than running away from this hell for Taehyung. He just wanted to free himself and run away where especially Jungkook can't get him.

It's been 4 days since he is kept here and now he no longer can manage to suffocate himself. Yes, it's astonishing that how within less than a week, Taehyung had gone to this much.

Being forced on the starting two days itself till he pass out; what more worse can happen? Jungkook took away his everything

His happiness, his smile, his friends, his peace, his first kiss, his virginity and his inner child; Taehyung lost his everything in a snap of a finger just cause of Jeon Jungkook who was equally unbothered about all this.

Now it was time for him to make everything right again, it was time for him to get everything he lost and now it was time for Jungkook to lose his everything.

Taehyung had much in his mind; many plans, many ways to escape, many ways to make everything right, many ways to just rewind the time....but will it all work? Will he be able to get out? What if he is forever trapped in here?

Just these what if and otherwise questions ghost over his mind, haunting him down and just eating him alive but he choose to be positive. It was a moment of now or never

He can atleast try to run and god forbid if he got killed for running; he will happy die rather than being kept here and used as a sex slave. It was better to die instead of being physically and mentally tortured like he wasn't a person

Staring at his own reflection in mirror all blankly; he approved. He approved the way he dressed. The brown beanie on his head covering his black hairs that beautiful forehead, arched eyebrows and pretty almond eyes were covered by his black hair locks, his face was covered with a black mask. Wearing a long brown coat over his white plain shirt, he choose to complete the look while wearing coffee colour pants and white sneakers

He was ready, all ready to run and chase his freedom once again. Just once he wanted to escape and then he knew that everything will be alright. Giving himself a small nod - he step forward

This step lead him to the door of the room where he was locked for 3 to 4 days now, slowly grabbing the knob he twisted it and the door slowly opened. Revealing the look outside

There was a small corridor which lead to stairs that guided downstairs. His eyes slowly scanned the area. There was a livin' area with matte finished couch and glass table kept inbetween; filling the area with rich look. Taking his careful steps down he looked towards his right just to see a beautiful moduler kitchen where Emily was standing; she gave him a nod approving him to execute his plan

Finally after getting down he smile at Emily hoping it was the last time to see the girl; as he never wanted to return here again. Emily slowly step forward and walk towards him.

Taehyung, as soon as you will exit this hide out. Just run to left side and don't look back you will reach the bus stand. Take the bus and it will directly drop you to the place where you have been kidnapped from

She smiled sweetly while handing Taehyung some money which was enough for him to take the bus. Giving her a tight hug Taehyung didn't forget to thank her to the fullest. He knew that without her help it was impossible to even think about all this.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 | 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now