2-9: Court II

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After the Recess, Kamari has completely lost hope, "Mr. Green where is your attorney?" The Judge asks

"He couldn't make it." Kamari responds

"I see...well with all this stacked up against you, and all this points mr. Dwyer brought up...I'll have no choice but to rule in favor of the defendant. If the jury have any other opinions?" The Judge asks

"Yes your honor...we of the jury find Kamari Green...Gu-" The Jury begins

Eduardo busts in, "I'm here to defend Kamari!" Eduardo shouts running over

"Mr. Santos your very late." The Judge says

"Sorry the line at the McDonald's was longer than I thought...I'm here for my defendant." Eduardo says

"Take the floor..." The Judge says

Eduardo walks to the middle, "Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault." Eduardo explains, "This is a powerful thing to accuse someone of, and so I'd like to call on all the people that Mr. Dwyer did."

Jimmy rolls forward, "Jimmy, your friend Kamari...is he a good friend?" Eduardo asks

"The best." Jimmy says

"How do?" Eduardo asks

Jimmy smiles looking down.

"Bro that shot was amazing!" He shouts

"I do what I do ya feel me!" Kamari shouts as the two dap up, Jimmy seems happy his friend got the shot while Kamari is still saddened by his friends state, "You know your gonna be next right?"

"Oh cmon dude don't do that! You made a game winning shot this is about you not me." Jimmy says

"And I mean it, your next...Jimmy if it's the last thing I do...we're gonna make sure you walk again." He says crouching down to

Kamari then sees Jimmy is wheelchair bound, he hugs his friend, "We're gonna get you right man." He says, "I promise."

"To say Kamari is a good friend would be an understatement, while I'm going through treatment to get some feeling back in my legs...he's been the one standing right there and motivating me to keep going...he always tell me...you fall so you can learn to get back up...and I remember that everyday." Jimmy explains

Eduardo smiles and nods to Jimmy, Ellie sits infront of the people, "Ellie, what do you say about Kamari?" He asks

She smiles.

Before she can begin a hand grabs her wrist, "Don't." Kamari says taking the weapon from her; Ellie's eyes widen, Kamari hugs her tightly, "It won't relieve the pain...just make it worse."

Ellie breaks out into tears as she rests her head against Kamari's bawling her god damn eyes out, Minutes later they're both sitting next to each other in the bathroom, "It was just all hitting me at once, I thought the cutting would relieve it but it only came back stronger and stronger." Ellie says

Kamari looks down and sighs, "Im sorry you're going through a powerful mental battle." He says, "But more pain isn't the solution to your pain."

Ellie looks down as kamari looks at her, "I want you to think about this each time you think about going back to the blade...God has our best interests in his heart right?" Kamari asks

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