3-3: Relationship Status: Single

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Manny walks into school, she has no makeup on and she's wearing some sloppy clothes with a few noticeable stains on em.

She passes by Kamari who's talking to Jimmy, she looks down and keeps walking, "Dude you and Manny broke up?" Jimmy asks

"Yeah...I still love her dude, but with the way she is, I just couldn't keep being with her." Kamari says

"Aw Man, and right before prom to?" Jimmy says

"Yeah, sucks don't it, guess I'll be single for the remainder of highschool." Kamari says

"You don't think this is just a break or something?" Jimmy asks

Kamari looks away, "Let's stop talking about me, How's your physical therapy going?" Kamari asks

"Not good, I keep losing motivation half way through and I'm way back to the chair." Jimmy says

Kamari raises his eyebrow, "I see..." He says smiling

We cut to Jimmy going into a rigorous physical therapy regimen. At first, frustration clouded his mind as he struggled with the simplest exercises.

But the door is knocked on, Kamari enters, "Is my favorite Joe Swanson trying to feel something down there?" Kamari asks

"Mari!" Jimmy shouts

"Hey! I came to help not to distract man, cmon lift those half working bones!" Kamari shouts

Understanding Jimmy's frustrations and determination, Kamari became his rock during the challenging journey.

With Kamari by his side, Jimmy found renewed strength and motivation. Kamari's presence lifted his spirits on the toughest days, pushing him to surpass his limits.

Whether it was cheering him on during exercises or simply sharing a laugh to lighten the mood, Kamari's support became the pillar of Jimmy's recovery.

As Jimmy pushed through the pain and setbacks, Kamari's constant encouragement and belief in his friend never wavered.

Together, they proved that true friendship knows no bounds, standing strong through every hurdle on Jimmy's path to healing.

"Ready? Set?" Kamari says lifting Jimmy

Jimmy using Kamari attempts to stand and then tries to move his legs, "Cmon one strand of cheese at a time." He says, Jimmy chuckles and Kamari continues to help him, "Almost there cmon!"

He helps Jimmy all the way across, "Ok! Ok!" Jimmy shouts

A helper pushes his chair over and Jimmy sits in it, "Not bad J.B. Para P." He says chuckling

The two sit down later, Jimmy looking at a female and chuckling, "Ahh, you looking at a new girl ain't you dating ashley?" Kamari asks

Jimmy looks down, "She's recently been getting hooked on ecstasy, it's really affecting me and her's relationship. I've been thinking about breaking up with her actually." Jimmy says

"Ecstasy? Yeesh, I don't know if I can talk her away from that." He says

"I know, you're always coming in with the talk no jutsu." Jimmy says

"Wish that worked on Rick." He says

"Oh don't even say his name." Jimmy says

"You know what, ima talk to her for you." Kamari says

"No! Don't! I'll do it myself." Jimmy says

"You sure? You could say I got W RIZZ!" Kamari shouts 

"That was so corny." He says

"I know." Kamari says looking down, "So...if yall two were to go at it, how would that work? Would she even feel it inside her or..."

"Kamari!" Jimmy shouts

"It's a legitimate questions or would you prefer it be below the belt?" Kamari asks

"Oh you dick!" Jimmy shouts

The two laugh and dap up, we cut to manny who opens her locker, "Mannnnyyyyy!" Paige shouts. "Spirit Squad Is Today!"

"Not in the mood Paige." She says

"Manny, you have to get over Kamari." Paige says

"You think I don't want to?" Manny asks, "Everytime I look at or even talk to a boy, all I see is him." Kamari walks down the hall with liberty and Ellie as the three laugh, "And it doesn't help we're in the same school."

Paige smirks, "I've got an idea, You've gotta make him jealous, once he's jealous he'll realize it was a mistake to break up with you." She says, Manny smiles, "A Smile Finally!"

"Let's do it, but which b- J.T.!" She shouts running off

J.T. Is seen eating spaghetti, Manny runs over, "Me, You, Dating Now!" She shouts

"Really?!" J.T. Shouts

"Yes! Now!" She shouts

J.T. Smiles, Later We See Manny all dressed up, "Uhhh, manny who are we waiting for?" J.T. Asks

"Uhh nob-" She begins, Kamari walks towards his locker, "There! Kiss Me Now!"

She pulls J.T. In and he kisses her against the locker, Kamari takes notice but then shrugs and turns back to his locker.

Manny notices that he does not give one half or a fourth a fuck what she's doing and gets angry, Kamari grabs his book, "Gotcha." He says to himself, "See You Later Manny."

He walks off, Manny is frozen, J.T. Stops kissing him, "Little weird for our first kiss." He says

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She says dragging him away

Jamari leans against liberty's shoulder in the theater room, "So she was kissing J.T. Against the lockers, infront of you?" She asks

"I dead didn't care man." He responds

"I'd be torn to shreds." She says, "You gonna get them back?"

"That'd be petty, I am a lot of things, laidback, chill, caring...but petty ain't one of them." He responds

"Better person than me." She says

"No matter how badly people treat you, never drop down to their level, just know you're better and walk away." Kamari says

"Did you get that off wikepedia?" She asks

"Nah bing." He responds, She laughs, "What bing is a reliable source..."

She takes out her phone, "I'm gonna type that I have a bump on my arm." She says typing, she shows the search results:

Super Cancer

"Point taken." He responds

The two laugh again, we cut to manny and J.T. A few days later, he gives her a necklace, "This is for you." He says

She takes the necklace and smiles, "Oh...uhh I'm a Leo not a Gemini." She says

"Oh...my bad I forgot." He responds, Manny slightly pulls out her Leo necklace Kamari gave her, "So if you don't mind me asking, why did Kamari break up with you?"

"Break up with me? No I broke up with him!" She shouts

"Ok...chill manny." J.T. Says

"I am chill! Don't tell me to chill!" Manny shouts

"Manny I'm just trying to help you!" J.T. Shouts


"I never said that!" J.T. Shouts

"YES YOU DID!!!!!!!!" She screams

Manny is then brought into a tight hug, her eyes widen as she looks up and sees Kamari hugging her, "Whoosah...Whoosah." He says

Manny breathes, "Whoosah..." She says

Kamari manages to soothe manny down, "It's ok." He responds

She tearfully hugs him back.

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