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Joana's voice trembled with concern as she leaned closer, her eyes searching Lily's. "When... when did it all happen?" she whispered, the weight of the unknown pressing down on her.

Lily's gaze drifted away, lost in the gravity of the memory. "It's been almost two days," she replied, her voice barely above a hush, a mix of surprise and sorrow dancing in her eyes. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken fears."

Lily had been unwell, missing school for two days due to nausea and a high fever. During this time, Hannah provided her with care and support. Mrs. Wu, feeling the strain of the situation, initially asked Lily to help with household chores. However, Hannah intervened, suggesting they discuss the matter with Mr. Wu to ensure Lily could fully recover without additional stress.

"Oh Lily, how do you fare?" inquired her friend with a sigh, the concern evident in their voice. "To be absent for two days, confined within the dreary walls of home, with naught but silence for company... it's a dismal fate, indeed. I, too, have known such numbing stillness, such aching solitude. It weighs heavy on the soul, doesn't it?"
"I'm feelin' well now, much better than I have come to school today," Lily mumbled with a forced smile. Joana caught a glimpse of something off in her expression. Her face wasn't quite right. She sensed Lily's worry, the fear lurking beneath. Quietly, she tugged Lily aside.
"Lily, I need to talk to you," Joana stated with unexpected firmness.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. "What happened? Why did you pull me aside?" she questioned, her voice tinged with astonishment.

Joana mirrored her surprise, "That's exactly what I want to know, Lily. What's going on? I can tell you're upset. Can you share what's bothering you?"

Um um--murmured Lily.
Lily tell! Spill it out.
You won't believe it.
Tell me, Lily, I believe you.

Lily's voice trembled as she recounted the eerie events of the previous night. "And then, there's Lord Asher," she whispered, a shiver running down her spine.

Joana chuckled, brushing off the chill in the air. "Vampires, really? This world's vast and mysterious, so who knows? They might just be lurking in the shadows."

"But what if he comes after me?" Lily's eyes widened with fear. "My sisters, my family... my father! If anything happened to them because of me, I'd never forgive myself."

"Listen," Joana said, placing a reassuring hand on Lily's shoulder. "We'll face whatever comes together. Fear won't rule us. Now, let's figure out our next move."

Lily is still scared.

"Relax, Lily," Joana chuckled, her laughter echoing in the dimly lit corridor. "We don't even know if he's real. And Lord Asher? He's too high and mighty to bother with us mere mortals."

Lily bit her lip, the flicker of doubt in her eyes betraying her calm facade. "I hope you're right," she murmured.

Joana reached out, her hand resting reassuringly on Lily's shoulder. "Come on, let's head back to the circle. Our friends are waiting."

With a nod, Lily allowed a small smile to grace her lips. Side by side, they retraced their steps, their shadows merging as one in the soft glow of the lanterns that lined their path back to the meeting circle.

Unbeknownst to the chattering duo, their words found an unintended audience in Risa, a peer from Lily's class. Though their acquaintance was nothing more than a series of exchanged glances and nods in the hallway, the gravity of the overheard conversation weighed heavily on Risa.

With a determined whisper, "I must share this," she vowed, her voice barely rising above a breath as she glided past the unsuspecting pair.

Later, amidst the fervent buzz of the group discussion, Risa harbored the secret, a silent promise to relay the clandestine tale.

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