Marked by Lord Asher.

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Lord Asher was standing on his balcony, looking at the beautiful gardens. It was a nice evening, and the air smelled like flowers. Suddenly, one of his soldiers came with news.

The soldier said, "Lord Alaric is very angry. He wants Lily to be his, but he can't find her."

Lord Asher just smiled when he heard this. He knew Lord Alaric was his enemy and wanted to control everything. Asher turned to his soldier and said with a confident smile, "Alaric can keep dreaming. Lily will be safe here, and she will never be his."

The soldier nodded, seeing the confidence in his lord's eyes. Lord Asher knew that Alaric was far away and couldn't touch them. He wasn't worried at all.


In the kitchen

Elara,paused mid-task as she spotted Lily in the kitchen. Her eyes widened in surprise, an unusual sight in the usually orderly space.

"Lily? What are you doing here?" Elara asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Lily, taken aback by Elara's reaction, furrowed her brow in confusion. "I... I just came to help?"

Before Lily could say more, the head maid, Madonna, stormed in, her gaze stern and unforgiving. "Lily, all day you do nothing but stand around and stare. Get to work!" she snapped, her voice harsh and commanding.

Lily shrank back, the harsh words stinging. She never understood why Madonna held such disdain for her.

Suddenly, the kitchen's bustling noise dimmed as a commander from Lord Asher's guard entered. All eyes turned to him, a silent question in the air.

"Miss Lily," the commander announced, "Princess Julia requests your presence immediately."

A collective gasp filled the room. It was unheard of for a high royal to summon a lowly maid. The other maids exchanged shocked glances, while Madonna's lips curled into a smug smirk.

Lily's heart raced with a mix of fear and curiosity. "Me? But why would the Princess want to see me?" she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

The commander simply nodded, signaling that it was not his place to explain. As Lily followed him out, the weight of many curious stares rested on her shoulders.

Lily's steps echoed softly as she entered the vast chamber of Princess Julia. The room, adorned with rich tapestries and golden light, seemed to hold its breath. Princess Julia sat in an ornate armchair, gently rocking back and forth. At first, her head was bowed, shrouded in mystery.

As Lily drew nearer, a subtle shift occurred. The Princess lifted her head, her nose twitching ever so slightly. The air seemed to hum as Julia caught the scent of Lily's blood, a delicate yet powerful aroma that filled the space between them.

Princess Julia was a vision of ethereal beauty. Her skin was pale as moonlight, flawless and smooth. Her eyes, a piercing shade of sapphire, held the depth of the night sky. Raven locks cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face in a dance of shadow and light.

"Come closer, Lily," Julia's voice was a melodic whisper, yet it carried the weight of command.

Trembling, Lily obeyed. Each step felt like a lifetime as she approached the vampire princess. Her heart pounded against her ribs, a stark reminder of her mortality in the presence of such timeless creatures.

"I... I am here, Your Highness," Lily managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Princess Julia's gaze softened, and a small, enigmatic smile played upon her lips. "Do not fear, Lily. You are safe here with me," she assured, her tone gentle yet firm.

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