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Lily's heart raced as she lay there, looking up at the man who had saved her twice now. "Who are you?" she asked, her curiosity battling her fear.

"I am someone who watches over you," he replied, his face obscured by the dim light. "Someone who will always catch you when you fall."

She reached out, her hand brushing against his. "Why do you hide in the shadows?" she inquired, her gaze searching his face.

"Because sometimes," he said, taking a seat beside her, "the shadows are where we find the truth."

Lily's breath caught at the intensity in his voice. She wanted to know more, to see the man behind the mystery. "Will you show me the truth?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Lord Asher leaned in, his lips hovering just above hers as he savoured her neck again, his fangs into her neck. "You are delicious," he whispered under his breath, and she felt the warmth of his breath against her skin. "For now, let me have a bite. The night is long, and the truth is a journey we will take together."

"Lily," Lord Asher's voice was a gentle rumble, "do you truly wish to know Of the man they call the prince of darkness?"

Her pulse quickened, "Yes, but... why do you ask and how did you know?" she replied, her voice a tentative whisper.

With a knowing smile, Lord Asher's face drew near, his eyes glinting with a mischievous light. "Are you ready for the truth?" he asked, his smirk hinting at secrets only he could unveil.

A blush crept over Lily's cheeks, not from fear, but from the allure of his nearness. It was a reaction that seemed to bewitch even the formidable Lord Asher, known to many as a figure to be feared.

"I think I am not the only one affected by this encounter," she breathed out, her blush deepening.

Captivated, Lord Asher's gaze softened, a rare occurrence for a man cloaked in mystery. "You are a curious one," he confessed, his voice low and intimate.

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine as he whispered, "I am indeed Lord Asher, the enigma you seek."

Before Lily could process his words, he sealed her lips with his, a kiss that spoke of dark promises and unspoken desires. His body pressed against hers, a perfect contrast of power and gentleness, as they surrendered to a romance that was as dark as it was tender.

Asher gently held her hands, his eyes meeting hers with a warmth that spoke volumes. The room was silent, save for the soft whisper of their breaths.

"May I?" Asher asked softly, a question hanging in the air between them.

She nodded, her heart getting nervous. She fears him absolutely fear him. She feared that he might hurt her if she denies to him. "Yes," she whispered back.

Asher leaned closer, his lips brushing roughly against her hands in a tender kiss. Then, slowly, he moved towards her face, his gaze never leaving hers. When their lips met, it was a sweet, lingering kiss . Lily gave out a moan.

Lily tries to break free. And she breaks free of him, and runs for her life. She runs, continues running away like a rabbit being chased by a lion.

Lord Asher being the ultimate superior being , the prince of the Darkness and catches her from behind, and pins her to the wall."Disobey me, and I'll show you what it means" saying this he puts his lips on her harshly, giving her tickles on her neck, rubbing his fingers on her neck and slowly to her shoulder and then plants a kiss there, giving her hickeys. Lily closes her eyes , as Asher tears open her cloth in the shoulder region , revealing her fair skin , near to her breasts. He kisses her there passionately, and takes a bite.

Then, he carries her up to the bed, and pins her on the bed, and starts kissing her stomach and slowly removed her pink frock, while biting her , now on her hands, "You are so delicious" Asher licked his lips, and he couldn't control himself any longer. Before Lily could open her eyes, he already has started kissing her earlids and then closer to her eyes. He marked her on her shoulder, a mark for being his bloodbank , unknown to Lily.

He wanted to savour her , all day and night, but it was already too late.
He finally pulls away, letting Lily to breath air. Her eyes blurred , seeing the vision of a large , enigmatic figure ok top of her. For one last time, he bites , now closer to her chest , in between her breast. Lily gives out a moan, unknowingly, can't help.

Your touch, Lily, is the flame in the darkness, a forbidden warmth that burns through the cold whispers of my shadowed existence." - Asher lifts up her chin.

As he pulled away, Lily felt a strange sense of longing, a connection to this enigmatic figure that both frightened and intrigued her. Every part of her body pains from his bites, and she feels quite ashamed now , now that she had let him touch her . An unusual beauty that had attracted her, even she cannot help, which lead to this mess. Yes Lily is now in message, complete mess. Lord Asher leaves her , went out of the large door leaving her I'm complete mess. In the darkness of Lord Asher's chamber, she found herself on the cusp of a world she never knew existed-a world of secrets, of danger, and of a love that lurked in the shadows.

Lily fears, fears him, she wants to run, run far far and far away from him. Although she doesn't know that she is already marked and cannot escape.

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