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In the realm of dreams, where the heart speaks in whispers and fears take on shadows, Lily found herself wandering through an ancient forest bathed in the silver glow of a full moon. The trees stood like silent sentinels, their leaves rustling softly as if sharing secrets with the night.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her, and she turned to see Asher emerging from the mist. His eyes were pools of warmth in the cool night, but as he reached out to her, a tremor of apprehension fluttered in Lily's chest.

"Are you real, or just another shadow?" Lily asked, her voice quivering like the leaves around them.

"I am as real as your heart desires," Asher replied, his voice steady and reassuring. "But I will be nothing that frightens you."

His hand touched hers, light as a feather, yet it sent a shiver down her spine. Lily pulled back slightly, her dream-self wrestling with the fear of the unknown and the yearning for connection.

"I want to believe in this dream," she confessed, "but your touch, it's so intense-it scares me a little."

Asher's hand withdrew, and he gave her a gentle, understanding smile. "Then we shall only share words and glances until your heart finds its courage," he said, stepping back to give her space.

They walked side by side, the silence between them filled with the symphony of the night. With each step, Lily's fear ebbed away, replaced by a growing sense of wonder and a hope that maybe, just maybe, dreams could be a prelude to reality.


She woke up.

The next day.

Morning sun streamed through the windows of Joana's cozy kitchen, casting a warm glow on the faces of Lily and her friends gathered around the table. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of buttery croissants, setting the stage for a morning of shared stories and laughter.

"So, Lily," Joana began, her curiosity piqued, "you mentioned a dream you had last night? Tell us about it."

Lily took a sip of her coffee, the warmth of the mug comforting against her palms. "It was about Asher," she said, her cheeks flushing with a hint of pink. "We were in this beautiful, moonlit forest, and he was there, looking so... real."

Her friends leaned in, their interest evident in their eager eyes. "What happened?" asked Rendy, her voice soft with anticipation.

Lily hesitated, the vividness of the dream still lingering in her mind. "He touched my hand, and I felt this... spark. But it scared me a little, you know? His touch was so intense."

Neesy reached across the table, giving Lily's hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's just a dream, Lily. It's okay to feel scared, even if it's about someone you too scared about."

Lily nodded, her face growing dull . "I know. But the strange thing is, as we walked through the dream, my fear started to fade. Asher was so patient, so gentle. By the end of it, I didn't want to wake up."

The room filled with a collective sigh, the romantic tale weaving its magic over the group. "That sounds like a beautiful dream," Joana said, her voice wistful. "Maybe it's a sign of things to come?"

Lily shrugged,"That's impossible!"

"I had this dream where I was flying over Paris,Joana animated. It felt so liberating, soaring above the Eiffel Tower and along the Seine. It was like I had no worries at all."

Rendy chimed in next, her eyes sparkling with the memory. "Mine was less exciting but so vivid. I dreamt of a garden filled with the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. I could smell the roses and feel the soft petals. It was so peaceful."

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