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A/N: this chapter is Herby dedicated unicornbb777 and inshalmaah179302

Side note: (I also wanted to make a dedication to a user who went by the username yasmin1232009, who had pic of panda on her profile but for whatever reason her account seems to have disappeared. If you're out there, thank you!)

I massaged my wrist, wincing at the ordeal it endured. I didn't even get a chance to let out a peep before the tray of drinks was placed aside and I was being dragged across the room.

I wasn't sure where exactly I'd been abducted to. All I knew was that I was still in the nightclub from the audible thumping of the music but it wasn't as loud. The tables were more separate and there were no glittery disco balls to illuminate the dim space. Only a candle encased in a crystal dome and the leather was cold to the touch.
Not as much as the man sat on the other side of the booth, arms crossed and eyeing me.

"I'm reporting you if I get a bruise." I threatened.

His expression stoic, riddling my nerves further. Then he brought out the ID. "Now, I already knew you were lacking in morals but stealing and illegally purchasing alcohol? Seriously?"

"It's not stolen. I can explain."

"Does this ID belong to you?"

"No, but— "

"Then there's nothing to explain." He snapped in a tone that immobilised my will to speak. It was terrifyingly sharp, ominous.

He was very, very angry for some reason. Speechless, I watched him inspect the ID with a clenched jaw. "That bartender must be blind or something. This girl isn't even ugly. Couldn't you have nicked one that at least held some resemblance?"

Just like that, my voice returned. Partnered with it, a scowl. "First of all, I didn't steal anything and I have no reason to listen to some prejudice snob insult me and it's none of your business what I do. Don't forget who can puncture a hole in your career with a tap of my phone."

I waited for his move, holding his intense stare with my own. I extended my hand, "So you can just return the ID to me now to save time or you can go give it to the authorities which would spend a lengthy procedure finding the owner. And once they do, she'll gladly verify I didn't steal it. Well? What'll it be?"

As much as I hated to admit it, Beswick's poker face was impeccable tonight but I was in no way going to be beat. "Right, you think that once I go to the authorities you'll hop on a plane out of this country while I'm waiting at a police station for hours. That's the trick here, isn't it?" He suspected.

"There isn't a trick— "

"But the thing is," he cut me off, "I don't need to go to the authorities. I can hand it over to her dad."

I drew a quizzical look. "Her dad?"

Beswick nodded. "Rainer Dune, he owns more than half the establishments in this part of town and I had a meeting with him so I flew out here. His car is probably pulling out as we speak so I should be able to ring him up and he can rip apart your story in the next five minutes."

"You haven't even let me tell my story." I retorted.

"Is this 'story' good enough to justify underage drinking?"

"I wasn't drinking. I was ordering for my friends who came here with Fenna, who you're stating is this Dune mister's daughter." It would certainly explain her connections.

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