The Voyage of Vulnerability

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In the quiet of the mind's gentle night, 
A soul whispered, bathed in moon's soft light. 
"What am I to do?" with fear it spoke, 
Of the risk of love, of hearts possibly broke. 

"He might hurt me, leave scars unseen, 
A wound so deep, where love once had been. 
If I reveal my soul, lay bare my heart, 
Will he then use my honesty to tear me apart?" 

From the shadows, a higher voice did rise, 
Echoing wisdom, ancient and wise. 
"What if you don't? Consider the cost, 
The river of feelings, forever lost. 

Wouldn't that pain, unspoken, devour your peace? 
A torrent of silence, that never does cease. 
Emotions, a river, flowing so deep, 
No dam can contain, no walls to keep." 

"Open the gates, let the waters flow, 
Bit by bit, let your true self show. 
The lands beyond, they thirst for your stream, 
For the nourishment of love, the fulfillment of a dream. 

Step by step, unveil your soul's gates, 
Fear not the flood, for love patiently waits. 
The world outside, in its longing and ache, 
May find in your truth, the hope it did seek. 

Your heart, a treasure, that when shared, will grow, 
And he, in his wisdom, will come to know. 
The beauty of openness, the strength in your fears, 
Together, navigating through the river of tears." 

"In the sharing of self, in the baring of hearts, 
A new world, a new journey, slowly starts. 
The villages within, no longer to starve, 
For love, like water, is life's salve." 

So speak your truth, let your river flow, 
For in the risk of love, true colors show. 
And in this dialogue, with your higher self engage, 
You'll find the courage, your life to re-page. 

The world will flourish, in the light of your care, 
Your love, a testament, forever to share. 
In the wisdom of opening, bit by bit, you'll find, 
The love that cherishes, gentle and kind.

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