A leak, A flood and A Friendship

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Tiny droplets fall, a curious sight,
From my ceiling, in the quiet night.
Suddenly, a deluge, no warning in sight,
From my bathroom's exhaust, a bewildering plight.

In haste, I dash, my mind a whirl,
Water cascades, in tumultuous swirl.
Recovering, I call for aid,
On a Friday night, my plans waylaid.

Anticipating the evening's cheer,
I'm met with a challenge, distinctly clear.
A leak from above, so the voice relayed,
An upstairs mishap, my evening swayed.

"A shower's failure," the explanation came,
Into my abode, the waters claim.
Disruption amidst our Friday's dream,
A flood uninvited, a relentless stream.

Days pass, and then, a note's gentle touch,
Apologies abundant, it meant so much.
An invitation extended, from the heart,
From the little neighbor, a new start.

The leak repaired, the chaos subdued,
What remains is joy, in magnitude.
In laughter and unity, a bond we find,
Zhenyu's friendship, a treasure kind, leaves the turmoil behind.

And as the days to months gently fold,
This story of friendship and water told,
Becomes a testament, strong and bold,
To unexpected joys and bonds that hold.

In every drop that once did fall,
A reminder of how adversities call
Forth connections, unforeseen but true,
A leak, a flood, then friendship anew.

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