Spring's Gentle Mornings

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Silent nights give way,
To the first soft rays of sunlight,
Birdsong fills the air,
Amidst the glimmering morning light,
Cradled in deep slumber.

He awakens with eyes of sky-blue,
Searching for his mother's tender gaze,
With a kiss, he drifts back into dreams,
Safe within her warm embrace.

Little buds begin to sprout,
A sight so quietly magnificent,
She watches over the vacant streets,
Caressing her cherished,
Nature in its decadent bloom.

Life moves in hushed routines,
Even the smallest kitten,
Knows its time to rise and rest,
Spring mornings with coffee in hand,
No trace of weariness.

Each night, as I surrender to sleep,
I dream of the morn that awaits,
A daily revival, so sweet and sure,
Spring's promise that quietly resonates.

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