Guarding My Heart

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These feelings are my own,
Love or disdain,
You say it's an idea, a concept,
Rather than hearing my emotions.

My emotions belong to me,
Yet you doubt mine,
Claiming they're illusions?
The loss is yours.

I am brave to bare my heart,
Yet in its openness,
It shelters pain, not solace—
Opened arms extend,
Only to catch arrows, not embraces.

Now I soar,
Around the globe,
Embracing life,
Cherishing myself like never before.

I rise above the noise,
The judgment, the scorn,
Finding peace in solitude,
Reveling in the freedom I've worn.

Through skies and dreams I wander,
Exploring truths untold,
Every heartbeat, a reminder,
I am mine to hold.

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