The Cat Lady

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Two years past, beneath the moon's soft glow, She penned a dream in night's quiet throes.
A vision clear, on paper it danced,
A cat, white fur, in blue eyes, entranced.

In disbelief, she turns the page,
Her words, a prelude, from another stage.
White as snow, with eyes of sky's own blue,
A future friend, in her heart, she knew.

Not a shadow cast, nor a whisper heard,
Yet she felt the truth in every word.
A promise made, in ink, silently bides,
A bond foretold, where magic resides.

Seasons turned, in their endless chase,
Life's tapestry woven at its own pace.
Then one day, as if summoned by her call, Through fate's own door, a shadow small.
White as the pages her dreams had kissed,
With eyes of blue mist, in morning's midst.

In disbelief, she held her breath,
Here was her vision, defying death.
Her journals, once closed, now open wide,
For in their depths, destiny did confide.

A tale of serendipity, of dreams that align,
Of a woman and her cat, a bond divine.
Now by the fire, they sit side by side,
In the cat's blue eyes, her future spied.
A reminder that some things are meant to be,
In the script of stars, their story, a key.

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