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The room started to empty as the patrons went to find something more exciting to watch. Valentino, however,  made his way over to us, smiling wickedly.

"Angel baby~ you guys did amazing. Gave the boys a real good time." He said gallantly, blowing a puff of intoxicating red smoke. It circled around our heads, leaving no room for air. A hazy smile crossed Angel's features as he inhaled the smoke. Val placed a finger on his chin and leaned in closer.

"Have fun tonight, Angy cakes. You've earned it. " I laughed awkwardly.

"We will Val, you too."


"C'mon Lina, just one more. Please, sugar-tits?" Angel begged, holding up a shot of vodka. I snorted with laughter, beaming up at the pouting spider demon.

"Angel, I still have stuff to do after this." I said, gently pushing the vodka shot  back. I looked around the empty room and breathed out a sigh of relief.

I always enjoyed big parties after a show but sometimes it was too much. It was nice just to hang out with Angel. He shrugged at me and knocked the drink back, wincing.

"Whatever you say toots," he laughed, scrolling through his phone. He glanced up at my face, taking in the concerned expression.

"Vodka shots aren't usually your first choice." I looked at the empty vodka bottle beside us and back at him. "Somthing the matter?"

"Just anxious, I guess, I mean, this is your first extermination.. and you don't really have a permanent home yet." Angel said, giving me a concerned look. He reminded me of a child who feared that their older sibling was in trouble.

"Right....." My first extermination as a sinner. Angel continued.

"I... just make sure you're safe toots. That's all I'm asking. And uh, if you ever need a safe place to go, the Happy Hotel is a great place to start." He placed on of his many hands on top of my own, giving a weak smile.

"Is that the place you moved to? No wonder Val was so mad. Isn't that the place run Lucifers daughter?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow. Truth is, I sorta remember Luci talking about the hotel after restoring my powers, but I was too tired to retain any of it.

"Yea! You've heard of it?" Angel says hopefully.

"Not really, just a little bit here and there." A sudden ping from my phone grabbed both of our attention.

REMINDER: Start heading to Vox's before extermination.

Angel snorts as I stand up, grabbing the empty vodka bottle.
"What's going on with you and Voxy anyways." He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestivly. I smile at him and twirl my thumbs.

"We're just friends. Sorta.." 

"Suuurrreee toots, a warning though, just be careful, the V's can be dangerous alright and remeber what i said bout the hotel."

"Right, the Happy Hotel. Thanks again, Angel." I walk over and give him a big hug,  feeling his four arms wrap around me. "Stay safe."

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