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Giving Angel one last hug, I quickly left, entering the maze of hallways. Pulling out my phone, I typed in the place Angel told me about...
"The Happy Hotel." Multiple links that weren't what I was looking for popped up. Velvet fashion, Vox tech, I.M.P (Need someone in the living world dead? Call the Immediate Murder Professionals)
I scrolled awhile longer, reaching the end of the web page, my gaze finally falling on what I had been looking for.

Do you want to go to Heaven? Join Ms. Charlotte Morningstar on the path to redemption, down at the Happy Hotel!

Ms.Everglade." A cold voice draws my attention, a dark gray demoness appears before me. She had long blue hair with jolting red stripes running through it. A Vox tech employee. I swallowed hard.
"Mr. Vox said that he would see you after work and that you could start heading to his -" she takes a breath with a stern expression, "-to his home now, before the extermination that is. I'll escort you to the front door."
I perk up and smile, walking towards the woman, I feel a tingle of nervous energy.
"Really! Thank you, please tell him I said 'see you soon!' " I stick my phone in my back pocket, making a mental note to thank Vox myself later.
   "Will do miss." The assistant leads us through the building, keeping to herself and an awkward silence falls between us.
The air around us became clearer as we got farther away from Valentino's wing, the red smoke leaving the air. Instead of people dressed in skimpy (yet stylish) outfits, there were more business ready people dressed in crisp suits. Reporters, hot shots with big ideas, and Overlord wannabes.
As soon as they see us, the reporters go wild. Instantly crowding us in a frenzy.
"Hazel! Hazel! Are there any new updates on the latest Vox tech projects?"
"Hazel, what do you think is going to come out of this upcoming extermination?"
"Hazel, what is going on with the V's"
The woman next to me whistled loudly, drawing their attention.
"Now, now. This is not the time for questions, can't you see I'm busy. I'm sure you're all very excited, and I will answer your questions after I escort this woman out." The assistant- er well Hazel, raised her hands up in a calming manner, smiling sweetly.
The reporters turned their attention to me, one of them a dapper snake demon eyes widened.
    Aren't you Valentino's new girl? Angel Dust's backup dancer?" He asked. The people around him gazed up at me in curiosity. A twinge of anger went through me, but I smiled politely.
"Angel and I are partners, and yes, I do work for Val." A collective gasp and a small wave of whispers washed over the paparazzi.
Hazel put a clawed hand on my back, gently pushing me through the crowd.
"Okay, that's enough, all of you. Get!" She leaned in close to my ear. "If your to get to Vox's before the extermination, I suggest you hurry" the blue demoness pointed to a large clock imbeded in the wall that was counting down.


One hour. That's all I had left.

Heaven's betrayal (Alastor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now