chapter 2

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Henry POV

Today was saturday. Saturdays can be a little bit boring sometimes because you have like nothing to do. Henry stays at Hillerska on most weekends but this time he and Walter wanted to go to the lake together.
It has been a while since they did something together outside. They usually just hang out at each others rooms or somewhere else at Hillerska.

It was 10am and Henry had just finished breakfast and was now in his room, getting ready.
Somehow he had to think a lot of the horror movie night. Henry had always felt very close to Walter but this night was different, he just didn't know what was so different about it.

Then there was a knock on his door.

"Henry, it's me!" Walter said, "Can I come in?"
"Yes, of course." Henry replied and opened the door for him. "I just need a few more minutes."

Walter sat down on a chair in the corner of Henry's room.

"Have you noticed Wilhelm and Simon at the horror movie night?" Walter said, "I wonder why they left."
"Yeah, I mean I saw them leaving but I don't know why. I also don't really care actually, it's none of my business." Henry replied and put on a jacket.

It was cold outside and also very windy, especially at the lake. But that couldn't stop him and Walter from a trip. Spending time together was more important than good weather.

„Damn, I forgot my jacket!" Walter said and was on his way to leave the room and get his jacket, but Henry stopped him.
„Don't worry, you can have mine, I have a second one."
„Are you sure?" Walter asked „I can just go and get my own one, I'll be back in a few minutes."
„No it's fine, just take mine." Henry said and gave him a jacket.

Walter POV

Walter and Henry walked to the lake, gossiping about some things that recently happened at Hillerska and kinda everything as usually.
They were looking for a perfect spot to hang out for a while but it didn't take them long to find one.

„Do you wanna stay here?" Henry asked when they arrived at a small place at the lake between some trees.
Walter just nodded his head and they sat down.

It has been almost three months since they spent some time together besides school which is actually not usual for them, so Walter was a little bit excited. But what he was most excited about was wearing Henry's jacket. They have always been very close to each other but sharing clothes was a new thing.

This day was already becoming one of Walter's favourite days. The jacket smelled like Henry and that made him feel safe and comfortable. Henry smelled so good. Sometimes he couldn't believe that he didn't notice it a long time before because they had known each other since their childhood and he only noticed his crush on Henry at the age of like 13 or 14.

„The sun looks pretty today, especially at the lake." Henry said with a smile.
„Yes, it really does..." Walter replied lost in thought. The sun reminded him of Henry. Henry was pretty like the sun and he wished he could just tell him about everything. But unfortunately it wasn't that easy.

They spent the rest of the day sitting at the lake, talking and eating some snacks. It was such a beautiful day and they came back to Hillerska late in the evening.
The best thing for Walter was that he kinda noticed Henry looking at him sometimes. And that he got to wear Henry's jacket of course.

From that day on they started spending more time together besides school again. It felt good to be on his own with Henry, just the two of them.

On another evening Walter and Henry sat in the corner of the common room when Wilhelm walked in. Everything went quiet. That always happens when Wilhelm walks in somehow. Then August started talking to him but Walter had already stopped paying attention to them, because Henry put his hand on Walter's shoulder.

„Do you remember the horror movie night?" Henry asked.
„Yes of course, why are you asking?" Walter said.
Now Henry started to lower his voice and whisperd.
„Do you also remember when we talked about how Wilhelm and Simon left the room? Well, I have thought about that for a while..."
„What do you mean?" Walter whispered back.
„I think there is something going on between them." Henry said and Walter went quiet for a moment.

What Henry said could be true, but what shocked him more was that Henry literally said something about homosexuality. He always thought that a gay relationship would never even cross Henry's mind but that he was now assuming two of their classmates to be gay and dating gave Walter some hope for his situation crushing on Henry.
Maybe it could still work out between Henry and him...

Author's Note

If you want to be updated about knew chapters you can follow me of course that you get a notification when I announce something. I will try to keep you all updated.

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By the way I wanna post a lot of young royals themed content on my instagram and my tiktok, if you're interested you can follow me!

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tiktok: artforjacob

words: 928

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