chapter 4

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Walter POV

Walter and Henry were walking to class together as always. Today was kind of an exciting day because it was the first school day since the video of Wilhelm and Simon got leaked so it was also the first time seeing Wilhelm and Simon together since that. If they decided to come to school.
Walter was wondering how Wilhelm and Simon would act around each other and how their classmates would react.

"Do you mind if I sit with Wille today?" Henry asked "I'm sure you can sit with Alexander but I want to support Wille today."
"Yes, of course, that's okay." Walter replied.

But he wasn't sure if it was really because of Wilhelm or if it was because Henry might felt uncomfortable because of what happend between them. They never got this close to each other before.

Everyone was talking about the video when they walked into the classroom. Wilhelm and Simon were not there yet. Walter sat down at a desk in the middle of the classroom next to Alexander and Henry sat down at the desk next to him, waiting for Wilhelm.
When Wilhelm walked in all of their classmates were staring at him and whispering something. Walter didn't really know how to act but he noticed the others looking around, probably waiting for Simon.

Walter felt bad for them but he was also happy that it wasn't him who everyone talked about. He couldn't even imagine how people would react and act around him if they knew that he was gay.

For the rest of the school day he and Henry didn't talk much but they wanted to meet in the library after school to study together.

"I don't understand anything, why do we even have to do this shit!" Henry said looking confused at his notebook.
"Algebra?" Walter asked and Henry nodded. "Do you want me to help you? I think I'm not that bad haha."
"Yes, thank you." Henry replied.

Walter could explain maths to Henry pretty well and it seemed like he had finally understood it.
"Damn, how are you so smart?!" Henry said with a smile.
"You are much better at geography!" Walter replied.

"I wanted to ask you something..." Henry said when they were walking back to their rooms.
"Sure, what is it?" Walter asked.
"Do you want to come over later to watch a movie together?" Henry asked.
"Why are you even asking, of course I want to!" Walter said "7pm at your room?"
"Perfect. See you then!" Henry said and walked to his room.

When Walter was at his room he got a call from his dad. He seemed to be upset, something was wrong.

Walter's dad told him that things at home had been complicated lately and he should not come home for christmas break but he didn't tell him what exactly was going on. His parents decided that Walter will spend the christmas break with Henry's family. Luckily their parents were good friends and he was always welcome at Henry's house in Stockholm.
It had been a while since he went there last time because he and Henry see each other every day since they went to Hillerska so Walter was excited to see Henry's room again. He was wondering how much had changed.

Henry POV

Henry was a little bit nervous because he invited Walter for a movie night. Of course it was not their first time watching a movie together but it was the first time since Henry found out that he had a crush on Walter so it kinda felt like...a date?

His room was a mess so he had to clean it before Walter would come over. Henry wanted his room to be comfy for their movie night.
It was so strange that he suddenly cared this much about everything that had something to do with Walter. Before he found out about his feelings he never cared how his room looked like or how to act around him. Henry also caught himself fixing his hair before seeing Walter. That was also something new.

After he cleaned his room he checked his phone and saw a message from his parents. It said that Walter was going to spend the christmas break with him and his family.
Henry smiled at the message. He was nervous but also very excited and happy that he could spend more time with Walter.

When he checked the clock he noticed that it was almost 7pm. Time for the movie night with Walter.

Walter POV

Walter knocked at Henry's door and Henry opened it.
It was already dark outside and Henry didn't have many lights on in his room so it had a cozy atmosphere.
They lay down on Henry's bed and Henry took his laptop.

"Which movie do you want to watch?" Henry asked and opened Netflix.
"I don't really care, you can choose one." Walter replied.
"Oh, come on Walter you can't be serious." Henry said with a laugh "I'm choosing a horror movie if you don't say something."
"Nooo, please!" Walter said and laughed too "Okay fine, let's watch Spiderman or something like that."
"Spiderman sounds good." Henry said and started the movie.

Walter quickly regretted having chosen a movie that was this long. It was a long day and he was tired. After one and a half hours he didn't even pay attention to the movie anymore. Neither did Henry.

But there was one thing that kept Walter awake. He and Henry were so close to each other again. He could feel the warmth of Henry body next to him and Henry's scent was everywhere around him.
Walter was so tired that he was leaning his head against Henry's. What surprised him was that Henry was kinda leaning back against him. He moved even closer to Walter.

Walter's heart was racing. Henry was so close to him and that was definitely not how two best friends would lay next to each other. Henry had to have feelings for him too, that was the only explaination for this.
After a while Henry moved closer to Walter again and he could feel that their fingers were touching again. But it was different this time. This time wasn't a situation when Henry was upset or sad that he needed his best friend. This time they were just spending time together.

Then the movie was over. Both of them were just laying there, not saying a single word. They were still leaning against each other and Henry also didn't let go of Walter's hand.

The silence was a little bit weird but Walter also kinda enjoyed it.
"Why are you spending the christmas break at my house? My patents told me about it." Henry said to break the silence.
"I don't really know why, my dad just said that things are complicated." Walter said "But I think I know what he meant. My cousins are also coming over and I know that my parents kinda prefer them over me. Especially my mom. She always wants to show of infront of my aunt and in her eyes I'm not good enough for that. My aunt doesn't really like me so I would be in the way if I would come home for christmas break."

Henry was quiet for a moment but he squeezed Walter's hand a little tighter.
"Excuse me, what?!" Henry said with a shocked voice. "They can't treat you like that!"
"You're right but I don't know what to do..." Walter said "Sometimes I just feel kinda...unloved."

Henry gently pulled Walter into his arms.
"Listen, I'm always here for you can you are always welcome at my house." He said "Whatever they say to you, if it's something bad that you definitely don't deserve, don't listen to them!"
"Thank you Henry..." Walter whispered.

"Hey, look at me." Henry said. "You are SO loved, okay!"

Walter's heart was beating faster and faster. Their faces were so close and the way Henry looked at him gave him butterflies. Henry seemed to be so serious with his words. He really meant what he said.

Then Henry leaned his forehead against Walter's.
"I..." Henry whispered "I love you..."

Walter couldn't believe what was happening. He could feel Henry's breath and he moved even closer...and closer...until...

Henry kissed him.

Henry's lips were so soft and Walter's heart was racing. It was the most wonderful feeling he had ever felt, it was way better than he could ever imagine.
Henry kissed him with so much love and Walter kissed him back.
Everything was so perfect.

Author's Note

Wow, this is the longest chapter until now! I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote, follow me and tell me your opinion in the comments!

Next chapter is coming soon, I'm already working on it:)

insta: lele.tremblay

words: 1480

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