2. Maybe Not

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Jakinda thought nothing more of the boy and went about her day.

What would a boy like that want with a woman like her, other than the obvious? Some seasoning in the bedroom. That's what younger guys were looking for when they went after older women.

She was no cougar. She was barely a kitten. Having been only with one man in her life, what would she bring to the table sexually? While things jumped off hot and spicy with Theo over the years, they fizzled out quickly and sex felt like a chore with her husband. It felt like something she had to do for her wifely duties.

Lay under him and let him hump her a few times.

And even that fizzled out in the last years of their marriage.

"Whew!" she thought, thinking about how long it had been since she took a tussle in the bedroom. "Maybe I do need a little tune-up."

Roxanne was right in her ear telling her the same thing.

"There is nothing wrong with putting yourself out there and dating, finding someone to make your life a little fun again. Put that oomph back in your life."

Her friend hovered over her space at exactly the time she knew the mail delivery would happen. Roxanne wanted to start some trouble. Maybe the guy was filling in for their regular guy. Maybe he would not come in today and another person would. She perhaps would never see this young whipper snapper again.


Then the elevator dinged, opened up, and out came the little hot, caramel drop. There was a big smile on his face when he saw her as he carried a large bag of mail.

"How are you ladies doing today?" he greeted them. It was the rough, deep voice for her.

She was speechless. Why was the man hotter than yesterday? Had he done something different to make his face clearer? Had he signaled to the Gods in his favor for perfection today? Or was the lighting just hitting him right so he came off as an Adonis?

"Well hello!" Roxanne had a big smile on her face. She stood up straight to display her five-foot-ten frame. If she was not happily married, she wondered if she would ponce on the boy the way she looked him over.

The guy greeted her with a nod of his head and turned to deposit the mail in the correct location and she had to close her mouth to stop the drool from dripping out glancing at his backside.

"So uh, excuse me, sir." Roxanne put on an exaggerated proper tone in an attempt to be professional. "You're new. What happened to the other guy?"

Which neither of them bothered to get to know. Barely said a word to him outside of a normal greeting of "Good afternoon" and "Thank you." She had one conversation with him when she saw him outside of work while at Walmart shopping. That's how she knew he was married, but that was it.

"Yeah, I'm new to the route as of this week," he stated, as he grabbed the outgoing mail and stuck it in his bag. He turned to them and gave them his full attention. "My name's Nikko."

Damn! Even his name was sexy. She should not let herself get hot and bothered over this young kid. She was old enough to be his mother, she repeated in her head. She already felt she became a mother at a young age. While most people spent those first years out of high school partying, clubbing, drinking, and dating any and everyone they could, she wifed up at eighteen and had her daughter at nineteen.

No regrets about having her daughter, but sometimes she wondered what she missed out on by not dating and enjoying her twenties.

"Nikko. Just Nikko?" Roxanne asked as she tilted her head to survey him from head to toe.

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