8. Ms. In Control

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Now she knew she would have to face Nikko on Monday, so what was she thinking?

You can't ghost a person if you know you are going to see them again. How was she going to avoid him delivering her mail every day? What was she going to say to this boy?

"Thank you for a funky time, call me up, whenever you want to grind," like she was Darling Nikki?

Just call her a sex fiend.

She sure would not mind another round or two with him. It was just what her body needed. The first thing she did at work was to go see Roxanne and give her the lowdown, blow by blow, starting with the tasty blowjob she gave.

"Just the right size, and my God! He shaves down there, so there was not a lot of hair. And the body...just delicious. I don't think I've tried so many positions in one night...ever! And Theo was a lil freaky."

"I can't believe you've only had one dick all your life. Here lies the problem."

"I know right? I haven't had a chance to get my freak on out in these streets."

"Well, now you do."

Right, she needed to get out there and see what other guys were doing. Preferably her age. But keep it cute. No more jumping in the bed after the first date. That was a one-time thing. She hoped she could find someone hotter than Nikko that could do make fucking an aerobic exercise.

"But what am I going to do about Nikko? I can't believe I did all the things with that boy...and I have to see him today. Girl, I snuck out in the middle of the night I was so embarrassed I jumped on that man's dick."

"I am sure he was very thankful you did," Roxanne said with a chuckle.

"For real Rox. Cover for me at the front desk. If he asks about me just say I am on lunch break."

"And how long do you think you can do this? The mail delivers every day."

She shrugged. As long as it took.

As soon as it was around time for him to deliver the mail, she called in Roxanne to sit at her desk, even though it was not her week to cover. Then she went up to their breakroom and ate her frozen entrée lunch. Once she felt the coast was clear she made it down to her desk, and sure enough, the mail was delivered and picked up.

"Well?" she asked.

"Well, what?"

"Did he ask about me?"

Roxanne sat back and smiled. "I think you got brother man sprung."

"What? Why would you say that."

"He told me to tell you to call him. And in case you lost his number, he wrote it down for you," Roxanne held up another business card with his number on the back.

She already saved the number in her phone, but that did not mean she was going to use it.

"I am not calling him. It was a one-time thing."

"You can at least tell him that to his face."

She was a coward, because the next day she did the same thing, avoiding him when he came by. All week she had someone cover for her earlier than her normal lunch break because that was when he dropped by.

Then she downloaded a dating app so she could try and put herself out there. She took some selfies, added her picture made a bio, and then waited for magic to happen. There were a lot of available guys closer to her age. This dating thing could not be that bad, could it?

Thursday there was another snowstorm, not bad, but in St. Louis, it slowed down a few things. A lot of people decided to work from home, including her boss thankfully. Several of the admins as well, including Roxanne, that meant she had no coverage at her desk. She would have to be there when Nikko showed up.

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