4. The Older the Berry

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Why oh why did she entertain the thought that she had a chance with this young boy?

All week long she entertained his flirts and flirted back with him. It was the highlight of her day to see his smile and smile back at him. No words were even said, but she knew what that boy wanted.

A taste of her goodies.

Maybe if she knew how old he was instead of assuming some young number. He looked twenty-one. What was she going to do with that? Praise him for being old enough to buy her a drink?

By Friday, he must have felt confident enough to shoot his shot.

"You know, there's a cool spot not far from here, we should hang out and have drinks."

No, he didn't!

Yes, he did!

This little boy asked her out on a date. While she was flattered, she did not let it go to her head.

"That's interesting," she said, thinking quickly how she was going to turn him down. "How old are you to be asking me out?"

He leaned a bit over the counter. "Old enough." He licked his lips again. "Can I pick you up after work and we hit this spot? Just drinks and dinner maybe."

She liked a confident man, and this man made her feel moist in some places.

"Sure, okay."

"All right, here." He grabbed one of the agency's business cards that sat on the counter, grabbed the sign-in pen that was attached to a clipboard, and wrote something on the back. "This is my number in case you need to text me if there's an issue, but I'll be here at five o'clock on the dot, no cap."

She liked that he was old school and wrote down his number instead of trying to put his number in her phone. This boy was impressing her off the top.

"You're not going to cancel on me, are you?" he added as he backed away a bit. "I'm going to finish my route and wait in anticipation for you."

"Okay," was all she said as he walked off.

What the hell? A date with this young boy and she looked like this?

She looked down at what she wore. They were rather casual at their office. No jeans, but nothing too fancy. It was the middle of winter in St. Louis and there was still snow on the ground from the last snowstorm a week ago. Dressed in knee-high boots, tights, and a dress that nearly hit her knees, she did not feel date-worthy.

She called Roxanne to come down and help her out.

"Girl, what's up?"

"Nikko asked me out tonight!"

"The young hottie mail boy?"


"Girl! Congratulations! He is certifiable a ten."

"I know and like, I'm a solid...six?"

"An eight. Ten if you dressed like a woman with fashion some sense."

"Well, I can't change. He's coming after work to pick me up for the date."

Roxanne looked at her watch. "You haven't gone to lunch yet? Let's hit up a store and see what we can do."

When she needed coverage for the desk, she had to call one of the other admins. The one for the week was Sharon Price. She and Roxanne both detested this woman because she always acted as if she was better than them. Sharon hated covering the desk even though it was part of her duties. She expected Jakinda to not take a lunch break or something.

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