6. Sugar Ain't Sweet

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Hot damn hoe, here we go again. And skip to the loo my darling, this man was amazing.

Body from the heavens and a dick that made her weak. Not super long but the girth and the power made her woosah to his momma and daddy. Bless them for blessing him with the goodness that she did enjoy.

She was thankful for the nourishment of their leftovers because it was needed after he put her through calisthenics as if they were at a class at the Y. She did not know her body could contort in so many ways. Nor did she think she could keep up with someone like him. But sex was like riding a bike, and once you learned how to do it well, you always had that skill. Maybe a little rusty, but with time and practice she was right back to it.

They wolfed down their food while they sat on his sofa. Her in the red Cardinal's jersey he took off that still smelled fresh and clean like him, and Nikko in simply some sexy ass boxers.

"This food hitting extra special now," he said with his mouth full of food between bites.

"I wish I had another one of those drinks." Or maybe she didn't. Maybe she was already a little drunk and that was her problem now.

"What do you need? I can make you something." He stood up and made his way into his kitchen, as she watched and enjoyed his incredible body. Chiseled, but not overly muscled. Brown skin and smooth and no hairy chest, but a nice trail of hairs down his navel led to his treasure hidden in his boxers.

Their clothes were discarded all over the place somehow. She was impressed with his place, she must say. Large and spacious, one of the renovated lofts in downtown meant to revitalize the area. The lofts were not cheap either. He must make good money working for the postal services.

His art was on display on one side of the loft. From her untrained eye, they were pretty good. The living room area was nice and cozy, with nice furniture. And the bedroom well, all she saw was the bed which was enough. She liked the open space where no walls were separating the rooms.

"Do you happen to have limoncello?" It was her favorite drink since she started drinking at nineteen and she had not changed from it. Anything with a touch of lemon in it and she would guzzle it down.

"No, I sure don't." She watched him pull out some bottles from a fully stocked bar. "I used to bartend for a little bit, I can mix you up something nice. Amaretto Sour, Tequila Sunrise, Cosmo...I mean, you seem like you like a nice, sweet drink."

"Surprise me."

Nikko went to work mixing something up and she studied him while he worked. Did the man know his face should be plastered over billboards and magazines? Something about him made her warm and fuzzy inside, and not just his good looks. Well, that's all she really knew of him for now. A guy like him, with a dick like that, probably had his pick of the ladies and here she was being a hoe for the man.

Hoeing felt good.

She was a grown woman and made her own life choices and she chose to get dicked down tonight. She pushed up on him if she was being honest. A young tenderoni like Bobby Brown said, and she would be his freak in the morning, freak in the evening like Adina Howard said.

He walked back over and handed her a bright pink drink in a martini glass. She had no clue what was in it. The man could be spiking her drink but she still kicked it back.

"Mmmm, this is good." She may not know what was in it, but it tasted good enough to her.

"Drink up, Imma drain your fluids again."

That made her smile as she took another sip of the drink. She was up for the challenge, he did not have to tell her twice. That young man knew what he was doing and she enjoyed the ride.

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