9. What a Man Wants

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Nikko was so happy that Jakinda came back to his place early the next morning with more medicine, Kleenex, more soup, and a thermometer. She took his temperature and made sure he was good before she went off to work. He willed himself to not act like a man-child anymore, he did whatever she asked him to do. She wanted him in bed all day to rest, but it would have been better if she was in bed with him as well.

She told him she would call or text him and check up on him, and she did several times throughout the day while at work. Then she came over in the evening after work to check up on him again.

She did not have to take time out of her day to take care of him, but he appreciated it. It seemed he was feeling better just having her there. She came by every day to check on him. By day three, he felt pretty much back to normal, but he did not want her daily visits to stop.

Now was the chance to get to know her better, and not just in the bedroom.

He liked that she was a nurturer, knew just what to do to take care of him, and was patient. Having kids probably made her that way. Unlike his mother, that's for sure.

No, he would never compare Jakinda to his mother. The idea grossed him out. The fact was, his mother was nothing like Jakinda. His mother was twelve years older and not as easygoing as Jakinda. She seemed like she would love her children no matter what they decided to do with their life.

His mother was still so upset he dropped out of college to pursue his art. And then when he could not make a living from it, she still griped about him working for the post office. She wanted him to be a doctor, or a lawyer, an accountant, something she said was a career.

"I want to hear more about your kids," he said to her when she came to see him on Saturday night. She didn't have to. She could have done anything else but hang with a sick manchild.

Jakinda and he were sitting in his living room area, no television on, just finishing some food she brought over for them. His appetite was better so she brought Pop's fried chicken, catfish fillets, fries, and lots of hot sauce. He was hungry as hell and licked his fingers between every bite.

"I had my kids pretty young. Married pretty young. All I knew was being a mother and a wife. I succeeded in at least one of them."

He watched her lick her fingers after she finished her chicken wing, and it turned him on. He imagined her nice, plump lips wrapped around his dick and sucking and licking the way...he had to clear naughty thoughts from his mind and focused on what she was saying. Get to know her, not just want to get in her pants again.

"Are you close with your kids?"

"Yes, in that, they could not wait to move out and on their own," she added with a chuckle before taking a sip of the mixed drink he made her. "Mina is a daddy's girl. He can do no wrong in her eyes, but everyone says she looks like my twin. My son, he's a mini-Theo as well. Going into the same career to chase the money. While I wish I was closer to my children, I like that they are out there on their own, independent."

"Seems they turned out great. That's a reflection on you." Which is how he felt his mother should see him. He was not strung out on drugs, in jail, or dead. He worked an honest job making decent money. No baby mommas out there. He was not at her door begging for money or handouts. She did a good job and she should be proud of herself.

"I think Theo and I kept it together for the children's sake. I mean, I loved him at one point but we kind of rushed in. I got pregnant, he did the right thing by marrying me. If only I would have stayed in school, I could have handled both." She was done eating so she grabbed a paper napkin that came with the food and wiped her hands and her mouth. "I think the marriage started to fall apart when I had to depend on him for everything. We both knew the marriage was over, but wanted the kids to have a nice life. I grew up with both parents and so did he. I have no ill feelings towards my ex, and hope he feels the same."

He did not know what to say to that. He was never married nor in any kind of relationship like she was. He let what she said sink in a bit, and looked toward his art as if he could find the answer on what to say.

"Divorce is hard, and staying together for the kids is not a bad thing to do...long as you know when to get out."

She nodded at that. "You feel like a failure admitting it's over. I must say, I thought I would forever be with him. I was so damn young when we met. My first everything."

Damn, that was interesting. First everything? And she married him. Now they were recently divorced. Was that what she was doing now, wilding out after being with one man for so long? Was he the rebound guy before she moved on to someone else?

In the days she came over to take care of him, he had not mentioned much about the state of their relationship. Was it a relationship? What were they doing? He was afraid to ask because it may scare her off.

"I am feeling a lot better now, thanks to you. I may be able to go back to work on Monday."

She felt his forehead with her hand and he liked having her so close to him. "No more fever. No stuffy nose. Hopefully, you will not be contaminating packages on your route."

"It's nice that you care." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "What about us?"

She moved her hand away from his and looked away. She was so beautiful, he wanted to look at her face when he spoke to her. She was like art, carefully crafted for him to view and enjoy the perfection. Her face, her body, her demeanor, he wanted everything about her. He knew he had to let it be known what he wanted.

"Jakinda, I am not that guy you think I am." He picked up her hand again and rubbed it gently. "I don't want you for just sex...although...it was mind-blowing. Amazing. Incredible. I think about it all the time."

She turned to him finally and looked him in his eyes. "Can't you get any little girl that passes your way to do all those things with? Why me?"

"Because I know what I want and I want you. I want to be with you. I wanna be your man." There, he said it and felt no shame about it. He did not mind chasing her if he had to.

Jakinda, however, did not take it as well. She stood up from the couch, walked away, and grabbed her purse sitting by the door.

"I need to go."

"Wait! Jakinda, what's wrong? What did I say?" He made his way over to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. "I am not playing games here. I said what I said. Age means nothing to me. You want to keep playing me like I am a kid or something? I'm a grown man."

"You've been acting like a big baby the last few days."

"Come on now, I've been sick. My bad."

"No, and it just made me realize I am not trying to raise another kid. I need someone my age, more my speed, that wants the same things I want." She started to walk away from him again, but he would not let go of her hand.

"And what exactly do you want?"

She would not say anything.

"Maybe we want the same things."

Still not a word from her. He put his arms around her, held her, and touched his lips on her forehead.

"Thanks for taking care of me. I know I was a little crazy while I was sick. You didn't have to keep coming over, feeding me, giving me medicine, taking my temperature, and rubbing me down with the vapor rub," he chuckled at that. "I know you liked that part, don't deny it."

He enjoyed it way too much. Jakinda had to see there could be more to them if she gave him a chance.

"So whenever you are ready to give us a chance, I'll still be here."

He kissed her forehead again and then released her. She did not say a word just made her exit out of his door.

He knew it would not be the last time he saw her.

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