Chapter 7 - "Crucio!"

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The following day I decided I would distance from my family and aunt especially. I woke up really early so decided to go for a walk on the grounds. The sun had only just begun to rise so it was still dull outside.

I silently opened the door and crept outside. The sharp breeze filtered out my tiredness and woke me up completely. It was cold so I decided to not take long. I admired the forest in front of me and sat down on a tree stump. I watched as wildlife awoke from its peaceful slumber.

I must have taken longer than I realised because I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to see Draco stood with his hands in his pockets. He chuckled to himself when he saw me jump.

"What do you want ?" I said bluntly , still mad at him

" Mother's wondering where you are, she thought you ran away when she realised you weren't in bed. Don't worry, I told her you'd be out here" he said calmly

Draco sat next to me and stared at the forest. He looked at me but I pretended not to notice.

"I'm really sorry " he said softly." Trust me , if I had a choice I would have never become a death eater. I didn't mean to let you down and ....."

Before he could finish I hugged him tight . It was so nice to talk to him again. He wrapped his arms around me and laughed.

"Now I'm the one who can't breathe" he said amusingly.

I fake punched him in the side of his arm and he pretended to punch me back.

"I think we should go inside now , mother will like to know you're okay " he said soothingly.

I nodded and walked inside. Draco walked closely beside me . We were back to normal and I was so happy . It would have been a lovely moment if my aunt hadn't entered.

She smirked as she walked down the stairs. Draco had gone to find mother and it was just me and her.

" I was thinking Arabella, I don't think your parents punished you at all yesterday for how you spoke to me " she said grinning, " I'd love to be the one who teaches you your lesson "

She pulled out her wand slowly from her tight leather top . I too slowly grabbed my wand.

She chuckled to herself

"Pity" she mumbled " I thought we were going to be good friends"

Before I could respond she pointed her wand towards me and shouted "Crucio!"

Fear struck me and without thought I pointed my wand towards her all too quickly and shouted " Impero Mendo!"

The light from her wand faded before the curse hit me and a bright red light shone from my wand. It stuck Bellatrix as she made a high pitched screech and the crucio curse was now on her.

My hands were trembling as her screams echoed around the manor. I closed my eyes briefly and opened them to see my mother running towards me .

" Arabella Narcissa Malfoy! Stop that " she shouted ,but I couldn't .
I tried but I couldn't .

My mother got out her wand and used a spell which caused the bright red light to break apart and disintegrate into the air. I fell harshly onto the hard stone floor. My ears throbbed and head ached.

My mother rushed over to me and checked my body for bruises and marks. Bellatrix stared in shock.

"Where did she learn that spell!" She shouted at my mother .

I heard one loud screech and then my aunt vanished in a cloud of black smoke and left the building.

I couldn't move . My body was shivering and my eyes were bombarded with a parade of flashing lights. I felt Draco and my mother carry me on to a sofa.

Draco placed a blanket over me and my mother sat on the other end of the sofa and placed my head on her lap. My wand which I hadn't let out my grasp was still glowing at the tip.

" Wow sis, I didn't know it was possible to counteract the crucio curse ! " he said with a smile

I smiled and adjusted my eyes.

My mother magicked up some warm herbal tea and sat me up so I could drink it. She held it for me as I couldn't move my hands yet.

" Drink, it will make you feel better " she said whilst smiling.

I drank it reluctantly, it tasted awful and my mother could tell as she chuckled when she saw me scowl.

"I didn't realise how strong of a witch you were", my mother said to me as she flattened out my dress. Frowning when she noticed bits of fabric that wouldn't unfold.

I was surprised at how calm she was. I expected her to ask a lot of questions and be disappointed in me. Instead she complimented me and acted motherly towards me. It was almost like she's been in my situation before and understood everything.

I rested my back against the sofa and lay my head underneath my mother's neck . She wrapped her arms around me and swayed me slowly.

"I'm proud of the person you're becoming " she said whilst holding my hand,"you're strong , powerful, beautiful and willing, just as I raised you to be"

I smiled and cried. But it wasn't a cry of sadness, it was a cry of happiness.

Draco sat silently at the other end of the sofa. I'd forgot he was there. He caught me looking at him and smiled.

He'd still never told me what the Dark Lord asked him to do . But right now I didn't care. I felt safe in my mother's arms and in Dracos presence. I said earlier that Draco always used the fact he's 3 minutes older to his advantage. I secretly loved it because being younger meant I didn't have to be the same as him and I could be the "baby" of the family.

I was almost asleep when I heard my mother whisper something to Draco.

"Look after her Draco " she said whilst brushing her hands through my hair " she needs you more than you think"

Draco didn't reply so I suppose he nodded.

After a while I half opened my eyes to find my mother adjusting me on the sofa . I pretended to be asleep as she rested my head on a pillow. To my surprise , Draco was lying on the floor next to me in a bed made of pillows and cushions. I was too weak to move anything so I smiled . He made me feel safe .

"Goodnight Ari, night Draco ,sweet dreams " my mother said as she kissed me on the forehead .

I went to sleep feeling loved and happy .

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