Chapter 15 - Return home

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Winters dark mornings made it more of an effort to wake up. I lay in my bed refusing to open my eyes.

"Wake up Arabella, we have to go in 10 minutes !" Hermione shouted

"What?!" I said shocked

I jumped out of bed and got dressed fast. I used a spell to neaten up my hair. My trunk had already been put on the train by professors early this morning. I put on the necklace which my mother had gifted me and smiled as I glanced in the mirror.

I said goodbye to Ginny and left the dorm with Hermione. We ran downstairs and into the courtyard as we were  running slightly late. I met up with Luna and Cho and got on the magical carriages .

After a few minutes we arrived at the train. Its beautiful rich red colour made everyone smile. I stepped on and sat in a compartment with Hermione.

More people must have been staying at school during the break than I realised as it was fairly quiet.

After getting comfortable I ordered some sweets. A cauldron cake and a chocolate frog. I sighed as I got a Dumbledore card .

I stared out the window and noticed the grey sky begin to lighten up. Me and Hermione played kiss, marry , kill and before we knew it we were at the station.

As soon as the train came to a stop I jumped up and fetched my trunk. I hugged Hermione tight and went to find Draco. He smiled at me and we got off the train together. I looked around for mother and father but couldn't see them. I must have been blind because Draco pulled me to them instantly.

I ran to my mother and hugged her tight.

"Oh darling" she said as she continued hugging me.

We finally let go  I shook my father's hand and smiled at him . Once my mother was finished hugging Draco we went home. I smiled as I walked through our front door. The warm fire and freshly polished floors widened my smile.

I ran to my room and dropped my trunk. Nimsy welcomed me and I hugged her. I could tell she wasn't used to hugs as she flinched and tensed but she soon got used to it.

My excitement increased when my mother told me we were going shopping later for a new dress for the Christmas party.

A few hours later and I was stood in Diagon alley alongside my mother. She led me into a fancy dress shop. I got measured and fitted. We ended up choosing a beautiful dark green dress with a small slit in. It was short but elegant. It went perfectly with my necklace and my mother found a cute bag to match it.

After returning home I went to see Draco. We chatted and I helped pick out a suit for him to wear for the party. It was in a week today. I tried my luck  and asked if I could give him a makeover. He laughed and surprisingly nodded. I got straight to it in case he was to change his mind.

I combed his hair and sprayed it with glitter. I made him a side parting and giggled to myself.

"Beautiful!" I said laughing.

Draco looked in the mirror and began to laugh.

" Remind me to never ask you to do my hair again" he said  chuckling.

My mother came in the room and gasped. She laughed as well and told me to go to bed. Time must  have flown by because it was already half 11.

"Night Dray Ray " I said with a smirk on my face.

"Right get to bed now, and don't wind up your brother" she said whilst kissing me and Draco on the forehead.

I walked to my room and my mother followed. I sat on my bed and got undressed quickly . My mother plaited my hair whilst I struggled to get my socks on. Once she was finished I got under my duvet and snuggled down. She closed my curtains and kissed me whilst tucking me in.

"Night " I whispered as my eyes closed sleepily.

"Goon night darling " my mother responded softly as she closed the door and left.

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