Chapter 20- No going back

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I couldn't sleep for the following days. I didn't leave the common room and hardly left my dorm . Word had gotten out about Draco helping kill Dumbledore. I couldn't bare to hear peoples thoughts on Draco so I decided to stay in my room until the end of the year. There was only a couple more days until the train home. However, after the recent situation I'd decided not to go home. I couldn't risk being found by Voldemort . What would he do to my family if he found me?

Hermione and Ginny brought me food and checked in on me regularly.

"Bella, we need to ask you something" Hermione said one evening.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I said softly

"We know you're not planning on returning home, so my parents have offered for you to come to our house until things get sorted"Ginny said with a smile on her face .

"I'd love to but I can't risk it, what if my parents find out?" I said looking concerned

" Don't worry , they won't find out " Ginny said calmly ." My father suspects a war will break out so it might be for a while but you'll be safe with us"

I nodded and agreed . I wasn't going to tell my parents that I wouldn't be returning. From now on I would be hiding from them . I didn't plan on seeing them again until the war is over , if there is a war that is.

I went to leave the dorm and sit by the fire. Harry happened to be sat there to .

"Has Ginny asked you?" He said whilst looking at the fire .

"Yes" I replied

"Are you staying.?" He said , still staring at the fire .

"Yes , I've decided to stay " I said , forcing a smile.

Harry continued " Good because I need to ask you a favour Bella. Before Dumbledore was killed he asked me to do something . He told me that if I want a good chance at defeating Voldemort then I'd need to destroy all of his Horcruxes. Do you happen to know where they could be.?" He said hopefully

"I heard my parents talking about those to my aunt actually when she was staying at the manor . Something about a soul and necklace ? "

Harry interrupted me " Really!?! A horcrux has something to do with a soul so the necklace probably had something to do with it! Do you know what the necklace looks like? "

I sighed " No , sorry, I wish I did . I bet it could be any old necklace."

" Never mind" he said with a half smile " Thanks anyway "

He went back to his dorm and I sat alone .

I felt bad about not going home . The thought of my parents stood at the station waiting for me made be feel guilty . I knew Draco was already with them now as he'd left the other day with the death eaters.

But I had to do this for my own sake and my family's .

I went to bed and relaxed a little for the first time in a while.


A few days later and it was time to leave. I packed only my essentials into my bag. It was a magical bag and could fit an infinite number of items in so I wasn't worried about overpacking. I'd just about finished when I noticed something shiny in my trunk. It was the amber locket I'd found in Dracos room. I decided to put it in my bag as a reminder of Draco.

A few minutes later and it was time to go. Me, Ginny and Hermione left the dorm . We met up with Ron, Hermione and the twins. Apparently we were going to a port key to get to the Burrow( Weasley house).

We exited Hogwarts secretly and walked to some fields on the opposite side to the forbidden forest . I looked behind me and saw the  red Hogwarts express travelling in the distance . There was no going back now.

Ahead of me was an old worn leather boot . I thought the twins were trying to be funny when they lay  down and grabbed onto it but it turned out that this was the port key. I laughed and grabbed onto it. We all shouted " The Burrow" and before I knew it I was swirling through a whirlpool of time .

After a few seconds we all plummeted to a grassy/ swampy field . I felt dizzy and it took me a while to find the strength to stand up .

In front of me was a tall wonky house made from various materials . Smoke slithered out of the chimneys and yellow lights hung over the roof tops. It reminded me of an uneven pile of books . It was much different to the  perfect manor at home .

We walked up to it and the smell of fresh food made me smile. A ginger haired smiling woman walked out of the front door. She welcomed us all with a warm hug. Her apron flapped in the wind.

I was surprised how happy and kind she was . Her husband , Mr Weasley worked in the ministry and my father hated him with a passion . But I couldn't tell why because he was the most interesting man I've ever met. He studied muggles and their interests which I found equally as fascinating.

After settling into my room upstairs it was time to eat. I walked downstairs with Ginny to see a wooden table filled with food. Loaves of fresh bread were placed on the table alongside thin slices of pork. I filled my plate and ate until I was satisfied. It had been ages since I had a proper meal.

Mrs Weasley said how sorry she was about my family's situation  and that I'd be safe here . I trusted her and did feel safe .

There were some other guests staying  and apparently they were going to be having a wedding tomorrow. I was shocked that they were having one now out of all times but I didn't argue.

Once the sun had gone to bed so did I . I got comfy under the hand knitted blankets. I wondered what my parents and Draco were doing . I could picture my mother's upset face and my father disappointed looks. I hadn't hugged my mother for months and knew I wouldn't be able to for months.

I tried to get some rest as I didn't know what the following days would bring . And thankfully I slept amazingly . And I could only hope that Draco would to .

Protection, Love, secrets Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang