Chapter 11- Hogsmeade

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We were half way through the first term and it had gone by smoothly. I'd hardly had chance to speak with Draco and attempt to help him . Me and Ginny had managed to turn Cornish pixies into goblets while being chased by a swarm of pink bees. My mother wrote to me often and to my surprise so did my father occasionally.

It was a Saturday sometime in November and we were all planning on going to Hogsmeade. I'd borrowed some muggle clothing from Hermione and put it on. It was much comfier than the dresses and skirts I was used to wearing. However I felt quite restrained in the tight navy jeans.

Me, Ginny and Harry walked together and Hermione and Ron walked closely behind. It was obvious that they liked eachother so we were now waiting for one of them to admit it.

Harry and Ginny had been together for a while now and I must admit they were cute together. I was clueless when it came to boys and my brother being Draco Malfoy didn't help.

We walked into a pub and ordered butter beers . However the sticky tables made me frown. Everyone chuckled at my disgusted expression and I joined in with them.

A few beers later and the sun was beginning to set. As we exited the pub we heard a loud scream. It reminded me of the screams Bellatrix made when I struck her. I shook off the image and ran to the sound .I noticed Draco running in the corner of my eye but ignored it . Katie Bell plummeted to the ground from the air , she was speechless. Me and Hermione helped carry her back to Hogwarts where we left her with Professor McGonagall after explaining what we saw.

We went back to the common room and sat around the roaring fire. I curled up and hugged my knees, wishing my mother was here to snuggle into .

Something told me that Draco had something to do with the incident at Hogsmeade so I decided I would ask him about it tomorrow.

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