Chapter 14 - Packing

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Christmas was edging closer to Hogwarts and I was relieved. The sooner I got away from Snape's lessons the better. Me and Draco took regular visits to the room of requirement as an excuse to talk to each other. We'd end up laughing and chatting about childhood memories for hours.

Hagrid was busy pulling a large Christmas tree into the great hall while me and Ginny ate breakfast. Colourful lights and decorations were hung in every dark corner. Today was the last day before Christmas break. I was excited to get back as I knew we'd be preparing for our annual Malfoy party. My mother informed me that Blaise's family would be coming. I'd always had a small crush on Blaise and had done since we were younger so I was overjoyed to find out he was going.

Ron challenged me to a game of wizards chess and unfortunately I lost. He'd said that he was staying at Hogwarts over the holiday alongside the rest of his family. Apparently his dad was busy at the ministry and his mum was travelling with her sister. Harry would also be staying at school over the holidays.

Later on I went for a walk with Hermione. We chatted about boys and dresses. I decided to lend her one of my favourite dresses as a gift to thank her for letting me borrow her muggle clothes. It was a short black dress with silk lining. Her face beamed as she hugged me tight.

I spent the rest of the day packing. My mother usually did it for me so it was a struggle fitting everything in. After a while I managed to force all my clothing in to the trunk forcefully. I used my wand to close it shut.It was almost night so I washed my face and plaited my hair and wandered downstairs to the main area. As I sat next to the fire I wondered how Draco was doing. I tryed to forget the fact he was going to have to kill Dumbledore after the break. I knew it would be hard for him. Unfortunately I'd have to continue acting oblivious to his situation at home as my parents don't realise I'm aware.

Ron and Harry walked in the room and stopped my thoughts from going any further.

"Evening " I said with a smile.

"How are you " Harry said as he sat down next to me.

" Tired , but excited to go home" I said whilst fighting to keep my eyes open

" I can tell" Ron said whilst laughing

We laughed some more and I decided to go to bed . Harry and Ron wouldn't be waking up early tomorrow so I said my goodbyes to them. I hugged them both tight and gave them each a small gift . They smiled and opened them to reveal chocolate truffles. I knew they wouldn't last long in the hands of Ron. I hugged them both once more and headed up to bed.

Hermione and Ginny were already fast asleep. And before I could question it so was I .

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