Chapter 12 - " when will you undertand I'm your sister"

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I rolled out of bed and got dressed . It was a Sunday so there was no rush. Hermione dragged me to breakfast with her and we sat down next to Ron and Harry.

It was post day and I watched as hundreds of owls flew in through the windows. I noticed our family owl fly in , he was a majestic black owl , he was gifted to me and Draco on our 7th Birthday. We both decided to call him Aridra ( a mixture of both our names ) . Aridra flew past my table and dropped a letter in front of me and turned sharply around and dropped one at Dracos table as well. I recognised the handwriting instantly and knew it was from my mother. I smiled and placed it in the pocket in my robe.

After eating a good amount of sausages and bacon I noticed Katie talking to Harry. I was glad to see she'd recovered from being cursed by the necklace. I noticed Draco stood in the isle staring at Katie and Harry. Draco noticed Harry had seen him and began  to walk out the hall .Harry said goodbye to Katie and began to follow Draco instantly but I stood up and stopped him.

" Let me, he'll listen to me " I said , stopping Harry from walking any further.

Harry nodded and I began to follow Draco out the hall.

I followed him to the boys bathroom on the 3rd floor. I was about to shout at him until I saw tears form in his eyes. Unaware I was watching him he stared at himself in the mirror with wide eyes. I couldn't bare to see him in this state.

" Draco " I said softly as I emerged from the corner of the bathroom

He turned around quickly and wiped his tears away.

" Let me help you " I said as I neatened up his tie.

He shook his head

" I can't make you a part of this Ari" he said between sniffs.

" But .." I tried to speak but he stopped me

" I don't care how much you want to help, you can't " he said as tears began to reform.

I created strong eye contact with him

" When will you understand , I'm your sister , I don't care if you want my help or not I'm still going to give you it , I'm here for you always . So please.."I said softly " Tell me what you have been tasked to do"

" Ari , I wish .." he said slowly but I prevented him from continuing

" Dray, I will not stop pestering and following you until you tell me , I will not let you do this alone . No one has to know I'm helping you " I said calmly

He paused for a moment

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he whispered in my ear: " I have to kill Dumbledore "

I didn't respond. This was far worse than I had expected. But I couldn't let Draco see my fear so I just hugged him tight . I gave him a warm long hug just like the ones my mother gave me whenever I was upset.

" We'll get through this together" I finally splurted out for I too was crying at this point .

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