Chapter 6

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Laura pov.

They were true. He was a monster. He did kill all of the rogues. The parents...

He killed them all.

And he wasn't even ashamed of telling me it. He wasn't ashamed of being a monster.

My mate was a monster....

I pulled myself slowly away from him, taking his hands off me, while still looking in those brown eyes that were staring at mine. I took a step back and saw him take a step towards me.

I quickly took some steps to my left so I would not be trapped. He followed me and turned everywhere I went.

''Laura...'' he started and tried to take my hands in his but I flinched back, ''Laura please''

''No,'' I said while still looking in his eyes, ''You killed all those people...and for what? For fun?'' I asked him angrily.

''Of course not! I needed to protect my pack!'' he defended himself but I just huffed.

''Yeah right! A lot of rogues are innocent! They just ran away from their packs to be free or to save themselves! And you just kill them!'' I yelled at him and took more steps backwards. He looked at me guilty, ''So what about those kids? Where they dangerous too towards your pack?''

''What kids?'' he asked me confused and that just angered me more. I slapped his hands away when he tried to grab my arm.

''You don't even know who you kill!'' I yelled at him with a growl and he growled back, ''You killed the parents of two innocent kids and made them omegas! Why would you do that? What did they do to deserve that?''

''It's complicated.'' Ross started but I just shook my head at him.

''Complicated my ass!'' I yelled at him and ran away. I could not bare his presence any more. The presence of a monster.

''Laura!'' I heard him call but I ignored it and continued to run away. I needed to get to my friends.

I ran down the corridor and into the ballroom. I heard him behind me so I quickly started to look for my friends.

I looked around and saw Dylan with Jack and Molly talking and quickly ran towards them. When they saw me, their smiles disappeared and looked at me worried.

''Laura what's wrong?'' Jack asked me worried.

''You need to help me.'' I said and looked at all of them and pulled them in a corner where Ross couldn't see us, ''I need to get away from here. From him.''

''Why? What happened?'' Molly asked while Jack growled.

''No time for that. I need to get away before he finds me.'' I said and Molly nodded. She looked at Dylan.

''Dylan go tell Luke we left. Send Emma to us if you can. We will be at my house.'' Molly said to Dylan and he nodded. He walked away and Molly pulled me and Jack with her towards the back door where no one could see us.

Jack opened the door and we walked out. Before Jack could shut it there was a laud growl in the ballroom. We ignored it and ran towards Jacks car. We quickly climbed in and drove away.

''What happened?'' Molly turned to ask me when we drove by the gates to the castle. I growled and looked out in the darkness.

''He is a monster. He killed all those people.'' I said and growled at that. How could he.

''What people?'' Molly asked me confused.

''All those rogues, all those families that walked in his territory! He killed them!'' I yelled with an even louder growl.

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