Chapter 45

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Laura pov.

''Where were you?'' Ross asked me when he pulled away, ''We have been looking for you everywhere!''

''I was with the Moon Goddess.'' I answered him.

''I mean where was your body?'' he asked me and I looked at him confused.

''She doesn't know what happened you idiot!'' Emma said to him and he growled at her. I put my hand on his chest and he looked at me again.

''After you defeated Derek those two flames went into your chest and you blacked out. You were flying so when you fainted you fell down to the ground.'' He explained, ''Then Derek's body completely disappeared. I wanted to run towards you but the barrier was still there so no one could get to you. I was shouting for you to wake up but you were just out cold. And then everything got worse. You started to disappear just like Derek. I was screaming and ran towards the barrier. I started punching and kicking it so that I could get to you but it wouldn't budge.''

He looked away from me but I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him back so that I was looking in his eyes. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer. So close that I thought he was thinking I would disappear again.

''Then when you completely disappeared, the barrier finally vanished. I ran towards where you were lying before but you were gone. I shouted your name but you didn't respond.'' He continued and I pulled him closer, ''I tried to connect with you through the mate bond but you weren't responding. My wolf didn't feel you. He howled and howled but there was no response from you or your wolf. And that's when we started to look for you. I thought I lost you.''

I pulled him back in the hug and tried to calm him down, ''Shh, I am fine now. We are together.'' I whispered and felt him pull me closer to himself.

''The Moon Goddess took me to the ocean. I was in the water when I woke up.'' I explained to them.

''What happened to you?'' Luke asked me. I looked at him confused. I saw my parents and brother next to him and went over to them to hug them.

''What do you mean?'' I asked and pulled my family into a hug. My mom tried to hide her cry but she wasn't able to. I smiled and after I let go of them I held her hand.

''I mean with the flames.'' Luke said and I nodded at him understanding what he meant now.

''After I defeated Derek, they sent him away to punish him because he failed to kill me. But as for me,'' I said and smiled remembering what The Moon Goddess told me, ''I was gifted with new powers. Derek's powers.''

Gasped were heard all over the pack. Everyone looked at me with shock.

''I am now not only The Daughter of The Moon Goddess but The White Wolf of The Four Elements'' I said proud. Everyone gasped again.

''So you have all of the four powers?'' Aiden who was holding Molly asked. I nodded in approval.

''That's my mate.'' Ross said and I looked at him with a smile. I let go of my mom's hand and went back to Ross's arms. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead.

''The Daughter of The Moon Goddess and The White Wolf of The Four Elements...'' Amos said and I looked at him. He gave me a smile, ''This is something we have never heard about... I am honored to serve and help you if it is ever needed.''

''Thank you.'' I said with a smile and he gave me one back, ''But please you don't need to serve me. I look up to you. We are family.''

He smiled and nodded. I looked at everyone of my old and new pack, ''We all are.''

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