Chapter 13

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Laura pov.

I was in the same white place I was before. I looked around and saw the blue butterfly fly towards me. I smiled and followed it.

He led me to the castle where my mother was. I walked in and the butterfly led me to the same big doors. I smiled at him.

''Thank you'' I said and he flew away. I opened the door and saw the Moon Goddess sitting in her chair.

''Hello my child'' she said and I dropped on one knee.

''Hello'' I said back and stood up. Even if she is my mother she is still The Moon Goddess.

''I know you want to ask me questions again.'' She said with a smile.

''Yes'' I said and she nodded, ''Is Derek really the...?''

''Yes my dear, he is. He is the one you will have to fight with, to save the world'' she said.

''What happened when I blacked out? And why did I black out?'' I asked.

''The rogue made you mad. You were getting angrier by the second and when he told you that Derek will kill everybody you love in front of you, you lost control and your wolf took full control of your body so you blacked out. After you blocked out your wolf started to fight the rogues.'' she said and I nodded.

''Why were my hand getting warmer when I was angry?'' I asked.

''You my dear found your first power'' she said with a smile.

''My p-power?'' I asked.

''Yes my dear. You have the power of fire'' she said smiling.


''Yes, It's one of the most powerful powers ever. The fire symbolizes power, strength, protection, energy and happiness. Fire can create and destroy everything. If you lose control of the fire, it can destroy everything and everyone around you, even you'' she said, ''you have to be careful with it''

''I will'' I said and she nodded.

''So... I had found my first power... now I have to find my second power?'' I asked and she nodded.

''Yes, but don't worry you will find it soon'' she said and I nodded, ''but now you most go back. Your mate and friends need you''

I nodded and then everything went black.


I could hear voices in the back ground and I opened my eyes.

When I opened them Ross was talking to the doctor.

''When will she wake up?'' Ross growled, ''It's been days!''

''I told you already. She used too much energy in the fight. She needs to rest. Nothing is wrong with her, she just needs to rest'' The doctor said.

Ross was about to say something back, but stopped when he heard me whisper, ''I'm awake.''

He quickly ran to the side of the bed and took my hand, ''Finally. You were out for days.''

''How long was I asleep?'' I asked.

''Three days'' Ross said and my eyes got bigger with shock.

''Three days?'' I asked him shocked. That was a long time...

''Shh... It's okay. Just rest'' Ross said trying to calm me down.

''That's even longer that before...'' I said confused about the fact.

'"Last time when you were here you were out for a day because you fought with the rogues and that took some energy from you and then you blacked out and talked with The Moon Goddess for the first time so that was a shock to you. Now you were out for three days because how Ross explained you found your power and that took so much energy that your body needed a rest. And your wolf took full control so that took a lot of energy also.'' The doctor explained and I looked at him, "And if I am correct you didn't even properly rest after your first fight. So you already were tired when the second fight started."

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