Chapter 8

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Laura pov.

''What do you mean?'' I asked him slowly.

''I mean, they did happen. All of them are true, but you know how rumors are. Everyone changes them a little and at the end of the day they change completely.'' Ross explained to me and I nodded at him, but didn't say anything else. I wanted him to continue.

''Every rumor is changed to make me even worse then I actually are. But I let it happen.'' He continued to explain.

''Why? Why would you let people think that you are the worst person in the world when in reality you say you are good?'' I asked him confused in what he was saying.

''I never said I was good. I do kill rogues. I kill them for the safety of my pack. But I don't kill all of them. I kill the ones who deserve it. Who are a threat to my pack.'' He said and I nodded.

One rumor explained....kinda.

''As for why I don't do anything about the false rumors...I let them be changed for the worst because then other werewolves will think twice for entering my packs territory which will make my pack members a lot safer. '' he explained, ''Rogues will be scared of me and my pack and won't even come near my packs territory. They will stay away.''

This makes sense and really is a smart thing to do for his pack. If everybody thinks that he kills all of the werewolves who enter the packs territory then his pack is safer. Not completely safe but safer. Why didn't I think about this before?

''I have a reputation. A reputation that makes me a killer, the devil. But this reputation keeps my pack safer. And I will do anything to keep my pack safe.'' he said and I nodded, understanding him.

''Can you please tell me about the rumors then? Tell the real stories.'' I said and he nodded.

''Yesterday you mentioned that I kill everyone who enters my pack, ''he started and I nodded, ''I don't kill everyone. I take them to the dungeon and question them. I ask from which pack they are. Why did they leave... Where are they going... The ones who I know are not a threat to my pack can stay if they want or leave. If they stay they are watched over for a year to see if they really are innocent and good. But then there are ones who I know for a fact are a danger to my pack. If they get on my nerves I kill them. If they insult some of my pack members that are in the dungeon with me then I let them kill the rogue if they want.''

''The family?'' I asked him and he looked at me, ''What really happened to the family?''

''What have you heard about the family?'' he asked me, ''how were they killed?''

''A family crossed your pack's territory while they were running away from hunters. You took them to prison and killed the parents and made both of the kids omegas and you are your pack treated them like dirt.'' I said quietly and he nodded taking in the information.

''The family did cross my territory because they were running away. But they weren't hunters that were after them. They were rogues. The rogues followed them in my territory and reached them after a few seconds. Both of the parents tried to protect the children so they fought back. My guards saw this happen and called me. We went to help them. Together we killed the rogues that were after them.'' he explained while watching my reaction, ''We took the parents and the children to the hospital. My doctors tried everything they could to help the parents but their bodies were too damaged and their wolves weren't healing them and after a few hours they died. The children...they live with a family in my pack that took them in after they heard what happened to their parents. And last time I heard both of the children are going to school and are having a great time there and at home.''

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