Chapter 16

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Laura pov.

Jane and Harry walked upstairs. I smiled at them and walked to the couch. Emma and James came to sit next to me. Emma was sitting on James lap. I took the TV remote control and turned on the TV.

We were watching some movie, when Ross came and sat next to me. He tried to put his arm around me, but I slapped it away.

After about another hour of watched the TV I stood up and went to the kitchen, because I was hungry. I didn't want lunch so I just grabbed an apple and a glass with orange juice.

I sat down on the stool and started to eat my apple. I heard someone walking to the kitchen and I looked up and saw Ross standing few feet away from me. He was looking at me with regret and guilt in his eyes.

I looked away from him and continued to eat my apple.

''Laura...'' Ross whispered and walked a little bit closer to me. I ignored him and continued to eat.

''Laura...please talk to me'' Ross said a little bit lauder, but I still ignored him.

I stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I walked back to Emma and James.

''Hey'' I whispered and they looked at me, ''I'm going back to my old house to visit my parents for a little bit''

''What?'' Emma whispered back.

''I just don't want to see Ross for a few days and I haven't talked to my parents for a long time, so I decided to go and visit them.'' I whispered so Ross wouldn't hear me.

''Ok, but can I come with you?'' Emma asked.

''What?'' James asked looking at Emma.

''I haven't seen my parents and friends too. It would be great if I go and visit them.'' Emma explained to James.

''Ok, but you have to call me every day and don't be gone longer than two days'' James whispered.

''I will come home together with Laura'' Emma whispered back.

''No'' I whispered and she looked at me, ''I will be longer away than two days, maybe a week?''

''But-'' Emma started, but I stopped her.

''Emma don't hurt James. By leaving you already are hurting him, so don't leave for long. I am going longer because I want Ross to know how it feels without your mate by your side.'' I whispered. I saw Ross walk out of the kitchen and look at us. James and Emma didn't see him so they were about to continue to talk.

"Bu-" Emma started but I stopped her.

" What no? Flying with a plane is so much better then riding with a car!" I said and looked away from Ross.

"What?" Emma asked confused but I glared at her, telling her to act, "Yeah, yeah like being in the air in a machine is safer then on the ground."

"My parents told me so and I believe them!" I said and giggled when she faked gasped.

"Your parents told you that? How could they lie to you? It's not good to lie!" Emma sad.

"You think they are lying?" I asked her and from the corner of my eye I saw Ross walking up the stairs.

"James! Back me up here!" Emma said and lightly slapped James's shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. He is gone." I said and they looked back and then nodded.

"You're not telling him?" James asked me but I shook my head.

"No I am. Just not now. Later. " I said and he nodded, '' we are leaving today after lunch.'' I said and they nodded.

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