Chapter 35

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Laura pov.

''Is everybody safe?'' I asked.

It has been a half an hour since I barged in the office and told the guys about Derek and everybody has been doing everything to get the weaker and younger ones safe. Ross hasn't come back as well. I guess he needs a little time alone as well.

''Yes.'' James answered, ''But why is Derek showing up now? The Eclipse is only after a week and a half right?''

''Yes, but he is trying to make us scared. He wants us to think that something big will happen now, I'm not saying that nothing could happen, but we need to be prepared for everything.'' I said.

''I hate that guy.'' James said angry.

''We all do.'' I said nodding, ''Have you heard anything from Ross?''

''No, he isn't answering us. His link is open so he can hear us if something happens, but that's it. We ask him when he is coming back or where he is but he just ignores us.'' James answered, ''Maybe you should talk to him? He will listen to you''

''I can try.'' I said and James nodded.

''Ross? Can you hear me?'' I ask him through the mind link, but he didn't answer, ''Ross please say something. We need you right now...'' still nothing, ''...I need you Ross. Please answer.''

''He isn't answ-'' I started to say, but somebody stopped me.

''I'm here.'' he said.

''Is everything alright? Where are you? When are you coming back?'' I asked him almost immediately.

''Everything is fine. I'm near the lake and I don't know when I'm coming back.'' Ross answered.

''You have to come back. We need you right now Ross.'' I said.

''Is everything fine?'' James asked and I nodded, ''His answering?'' and again I nodded.

''I know you can do it without me. I just need to be alone right now. I need to think.'' Ross said.

''Think about what?'' I asked.

''The pack, Derek, me,'' Ross said.

''I'm coming.'' I said and stood up from the chair behind the desk in Ross's office.

''No, everything is fine I just need to think. You don't have to come here....I don't want to hurt you again.'' Ross said, slowly getting quitter.

''Hurt me how?'' I asked walking out of the room, while James just nodded understanding where I'm going.

''All I do is hurt you...'' Ross said just when I shifted and started to run towards the lake.

''That's not true! Don't think like that Ross.'' I said and started to run faster.

''But it is! Everyday I hurt you.'' Ross said making me run even faster. Only two minutes left to run. Come on Laura run faster....

''No its not! Ross listen to me! We fight yes, but that doesn't mean that you hurt me! You just make me angry at that moment and that's it.'' I said, trying to get the idea of him hurting me out of his head, ''I love you Ross. Would I love you if you would hurt me that much? No.''

''Sometimes I think you're only together with me because of the mate bond...'' Ross whispered and I stopped. He was right in front of me, looking at the lake.

''How... How could you think like that?'' I asked him slowly. I saw him sniff the air with his nose and then he slowly turned around, ''Do you really think that low of me?''

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